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First off, this first chapter may give the idea that this is one of those abused edgy Izuku stories. But I AM HERE!! Sorry, couldn't contain myself. *Ahem* I'm here to tell you that this story will be mostly fluff. Izuku won't be edgy.

Have a good read!

???: "So if I plug this here, and switch this on..."

In a dark room with a multitude of mechanical bodies laying around, stood a single robot. A worker drone. This worker drone had green hair, green eyes displayed on his visor, a dark green light jacket that was buttoned up all the way, dark green pants, and red boots. You would think this is some form of work attire, but no, that's just the casual clothes of Izuku Midoriya, the worker drone. He was currently in his makeshift workshop working on a device that would help him with a problem he's been having recently.

???: "Hey~. Whatcha doing?"

Someone sneaked behind him and whispered in his ear, making him flinch, before backing away with a massive blush on his visor. The responsible for his reaction is a disassembly drone going by Serial Designation V, or just V, who is laughing at the green drone's reaction. He blushed harder at her laugh and avoided eye contact.

Izuku: "V, w-why did you d-do that?"

V: "Because I love seeing your surprised face. It's adorable~."

If he blushed any harder, he would overheat. She had been doing this for a while now, sneaking up on him and surprising/scaring him. Once V stopped laughing, the remaining squad members arrived. The squad leader, J, and the squad goof, N, all squads have a goof that often messes up.

J: "V, must you do that every time we get back?"

V: "Yes. Why, jealous you can't be the first to say hello to the green bean?"

V said while hugging Izuku close to her chest, much to the small drone's embarrassment. J glared at V with a blush, whether from her comment or out of jealousy, she didn't say. Izuku looked at N and mouthed for help, which fortunately was noticed by the drone in question.

N: "Hey, uhm, V. I think you're making him uncomfortable."

V: "Pssh, no way. He likes this. Don't you, I?"

How did his life come to this. A worker drone living with murder drones, with one of them openly flirting with him. Anyone else would think this is some sort of dream, but oh boy, how wrong would they be. Well, I guess it's time to take a trip down memory lane. Or memory bank, because they're drones, whichever you prefer. Let's go back to before he met the team, approximately six months from the present time.











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