Chapter 4

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Marcy and Anne were exuding a palpable awkwardness around each other. Their interactions were stilted and strained as they both attempted to avoid each other at all costs, taking different paths and making every effort to steer clear of one another.

Sasha wasn't oblivious to the tension between them, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what was causing the strange behavior and a sense of unease gnawed at her.

Her thoughts turned to the party they had all attended the night before.

Could it have something to do with the events of the evening that was causing this situation?

Perhaps a game of truth or dare had gone awry, and they had been dared to stay away from each other?

It seemed like the most logical explanation for their bizarre behavior, and since no other ideas came to Sasha's mind, she decided to stick with that one.

Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story.

She knew that Marcy and Anne had been close friends before she came into the picture, the two were always inseparable so their sudden estrangement was troubling to say the least.

Sasha decided to confront them, hoping to get to the bottom of the issue and solve whatever was going on as best as she could.

Just then, Sasha spotted Marcy leaning against her locker with her hood up, her tongue sticking out in concentration as she played on her console.


Without hesitation, Sasha approached Marcy, since she was the first out of the two that she saw and she hoped to get to the bottom of what was going on as soon as possible. Plus, Marcy was probably going to be easier to crack between her and Anne.

As the blonde stopped next to her, Marcy could feel her cerulean eyes staring through her, and tried her best to avoid eye contact, but Sasha's gentle voice broke through her concentration.

"Marbles, is everything okay?" Sasha asked, trying to sound as caring as possible since she knew she could come off as demeaning sometimes.

The directed question forced Marcy to tear her gaze away from the screen and meet Sasha's eyes, hesitation clear on her face as she responded, "Yeah! All good, just struggling to beat the greatest JRPG game of all time!"

Marcy put on her usual dorky grin, but it didn't fool Sasha.

Sasha was only mildly-disinterested on the gaming-talk, but she had another reason now to shot the topic down since she could tell that Marcy was trying to avoid the issue at hand.

She shook her head and crossed her arms. "Marcy," She said firmly, hoping to get her friend to open up.

As Sasha continued to press Marcy, Marcy couldn't help but wince.

She didn't think Sasha would see through her act so easily. Though she probably should've expected it after their years of friendship.

After a moment of hesitation, Marcy let out a deep sigh.

"Okay, fine," She said, finally relenting. "I'm just feeling really awkward after the truth or dare game at the party yesterday and- this dare came up and made things awkward between me and Anne, and I don't know what to do." Marcy said, tugging on the strings of her hoodie nervously, trying to be vague enough where Sasha wouldn't catch on.

She could feel Sasha's gaze on her, silence filled the air before she rolled her eyes, "Marce, you gotta be more specific than that, I'm not trying to get any scoop or drama I just have no clue why this dare would make you guys act like the other has the plague or something!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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