1. The beginning

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I wake up hearing my phone go off.

It was nelly

"Hello." I said half asleep

"Girl get up we have music awards in 35 minutes!"

" I will be ready in 5!" I said before hanging up and going to take a shower then put clothes and makeup on and do my hair

" I will be ready in 5!" I said before hanging up and going to take a shower then put clothes and makeup on and do my hair

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I quickly lock my house door and jump into the big black van outside of my house

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I quickly lock my house door and jump into the big black van outside of my house.

As soon as I do the van starts speeding off.

"Hey guys you ready to get a award!" I said cheerfully to my band

"Yes!" They said in harmony

(Quick introduction)
The drummer is Rosie
The bass player is Nelly
The guitar player is Lina
And the singer is you guys

You have known all three of them since preschool and in high school you created the band and got really famous and started going on tours and here you guys are going to a music award.

You guys also know bill because he was in your singing classes so you guys are good old friends but you don't know he is the singer of Tokio hotel and he doesn't know your the singer to Blue ivy.

Ok introduction over

When we got at the place where the awards were Lina dropped me and Nelly off at the front while her  and Rosie  find parking.

When me and Nelly went in there was about 1 million people there and paparazzi of course.

We immediately got recognized and had to have security escort us to our seats.

We were sitting next to a band called Tokio hotel and the seat that was next to me said "Tom kaulitz"

The last name seemed familiar to me but I don't know why.

When all of the bands where there they were finding their seats Rosie and Lina  finally came and sat in their seat.

Then a group of four handsome boys came to sit right next to us.

The long haired boy sat at the end where the walk way begins, and a blonde hair boy sat next  to him, then a tall boy with black spiky hair  sat in the middle, then finally a tall dread head boy sat next to me while looking at me up and down smirking.

I rolled my eyes and paid attention to the show.

Throughout the show I could feel his eyes on me then it was time to announce the awards and he looked away.

The award for the best album goes to...

Blue Ivy!

All the fans where screaming and cheering for us as we got up and went on stage.

I held the award in my hand and got ready to give a quick speech.

"I just want to  thank all of you guys so much for supporting us and just showing us your love without you guys we would have never been here.. thank you all so much!" I said and people all around the place started clapping.

We exited the stage to go sit down again.

I gave the award to Nelly so she can hold it.

As we were going to sit down the band that was next to us (Tokio hotel) congratulated us on our award.

"Thank you! I hope you guys win a award too." I said kindly to them as that dread head boy was checking me out looking at me up and down.

We all quickly sat down to hear the next award

And now the new most voted song is..

Durch den Monsun by Tokio hotel!

Fans start screaming and cheering with the Same energy they did when we got called up.

While the emo boy with the spikey hair was giving their speech I felt like I knew him but I'm not sure where.

When they sat down we all congratulated them they said thank you and invited us to go to this private club.

We accepted and plus Rosie was trying to talk to that long hair boy, and Lina was trying to talk to the blond hair one, and of course Nelly wanted the emo one.

I'm not gonna lie the dread head boy was hot but he looked like a player so I was not interested.

After the awards ceremony we went to this club where other celebrities where having a good time getting drunk so we did the same thing.

While talking to the boys we all introduce our selves then it came down to me.

"I'm y/n y/l/n." I said as I have a hand motion to  the bartender for another drink

"You look familiar." The emo one said

"You do too. What was your name again?" I asked

"Bill kaulitz." He said

Then I remembered


"Remember me from singing classes in high school." I said with joy

"I do!" He said giving me a tight hug

We both catched up and it felt like we never split apart me and bill were like the same person I missed him terribly when I had to move back to San Francisco.

After all of that Nelly and bill started talking privately

Same with Rosie with georg and with Lina and gustav.

Then there was only me with the dread headed both named Tom

"I can't believe someone like you knows my brother and has never met me."

"Someone like me." I said

"Yeah someone so gorgeous and hot." Tom said with that stupid smirk on his face

I laughed and rolled my eyes downing my 6th drink of alcohol.

All of us were extremely drunk.

Tom pulled me out on the dance floor and we start dirty dancing and kissing.

My mind was not processing I was acting off the moment.

Then everything else was a blur and fast.

964 words

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