4. Whats love?

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I woke up with Tom holding my waist and snoring.

I slowly slid off and went to go make breakfast, when he woke up I gave him a plate of food and he ate it all.

I put on a System of a Down shirt but the letter and picture was faded then I put on some black shorts.

Tom had to go get ready because he had a show soon.

"Come to my show." He said about to leave


Me and tom stared at each other for a while before I felt a pair of warm lips on mine, I didn't fight back I felt his slightly cold lip piercing. We started making out getting touchy then his phone rang.

He pulled away and looked at me with desperate eyes and smiled before walking away taking the call.

I was still in shocked of what happened but smiled and touched my lips remembering the moment.

"Time skip at tokio hotels show*

I stand if front of the crowd so the boys can see me.

They quickly noticed me and waved, I waved back.

They played hella good songs I was clapping for Tom after every song. He got happy each time.

After the show they did a little meet and greet and tome made me sit next to him on the stage so the fans got ideas.

We were whispering and laughing then a fan asked a question for Tom

"Tom why are you lovely dovey with y/n when you have a girl lily smith." The fan said

Everyone went quiet and looked at Tom.

Tom looked at me with a Im sorry look.

I sighed and got up walking out of the stage but Tom chased after me.

We were outside and paparazzi was recording us.

Tom tried stopping me but I was crying telling him to go away.

"How could you Tom! You kissed me and now you have a whole girlfriend I should have never forgave you dick!" I said crying

"Y/n please forgive I was gonna break up with her today I swear I want to be with you!" Tom said kissing me on the lips but I pushed him away.

"Well I don't want to be with you Tom." I said before getting in my car and driving off.

When I got home I saw all the videos of me arguing and him kissing me.

God I hate Tom kaulitz I hate how he made me fall inlove with him!

I cried myself to sleep.

425 words

(Didn't do a word check)

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