5. Despair

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I woke up with almost no feelings I got up and put on some saggy sweats and a black crop top.

Then I started driving to this talk show me and the girls had.

When we got there a lot of our fans were there cheering and screaming.

Me and the girls smiled and said hi to the host and fans then the questions started.

Mostly the questions were for the girls bc they are officially dating Tokio hotel members then all the attention went to me.

"So how is the relationship of you and Tom kaulitz y/n?" The host asked me curious

"I don't talk to Tom that much I really just ignore him when we all meet up." I said thinking I dodged the question

Then the video of Tom kissing me and pictures of him kissing me infront of my door went on the screen behind us.

I looked around to see it.

"You sure about that? Tell me have you guys had sex yet?"The host said creepy

All I did was look at the host with a disappointing look before getting up and apologizing to the girls and fans because I was going to leave.

But the host put his hands around my waist and picked me up bring my back to the chair.

"Please let me go! This is extremely unprofessional and inappropriate!" I said trying to get out of his hold.

Then I saw Tom angrily hop up on the stage and snatched me for the host then put me safely on the ground.

I turned around to see Tom punched the living shit out of the host.

The host fell to the ground and security got Tom and held him until the police came and Tom got arrested.

That Fucking idiot now I have to go bail him out great.

I couldn't bail him out yet I had to wait tomorrow so that's what I did.

That day went by slow I was deeply worried about Tom even though he hurt me a lot but he did just save me so I forgive him I guess.

After eating dinner I sat down on my bed trying to get sleepy so it can be the next day.

I looked on Instagram and saw videos of that creepy host guys harassing me then Tom punching him.

That video just made me love Tom more.

He can be a stupid heartless bastard sometimes but he is mainly the man of my dreams.

I hope I end up with him.

I lay down and slowly fall asleep

*Time skip the next day*

My phone alarm rings getting me up.

I quickly take a shower and get ready to bail out Tom.

I quickly take a shower and get ready to bail out Tom

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I got in my car and started driving to the jail.

When I got there security had to pat my down and look through my stuff.

When I finally got to the receptionist I said.

"I am here to bail out Tome kaulitz."

"Someone already bailed him out." She said looking at her screen

"Y/n." I hear a voice say. I turn around to see Tom holding hands with the same girl who he was kissing at the club.

I roll my eyes and say "well since you have already been bailed out imma leave I have a show soon."

Tom was trying to speak to me but I just quickly drove away then my show started.

Music references:

1. Seek & Destroy (by Metallica)

2.Diamond eyes (by Deftones)

3.Toxicity (by System of a Down)

4. Lonely day (by System of a Down)

5. Chop suey! (By System of a Down)

6.Needles (by System of a Down)

And ofc more of your choice.

After my show I drove home feeling sad I wasn't with Tom.

When I walked inside I saw Tom standing in my living room looking at me.

"I broke up with her" he said looking at me deep in my eyes

I kissed him recklessly and that led to making out and soon enough we were on my bed only in our underwear.

He slowly kissed me up and down and started kissing my covered pussy.

I moaned loud as I was trying to catch my breath.

He started giving me hickeys on my neck, boobs, thighs, and my lower back.

He then got his dick out and put a condom on.

He slowly put his dick inside of me my back completely arched when he put his whole dick in.

God that thing had to be at least 7 inches.

He was slow and gentle at first but I teased him about it then he started going fast and hard.

I couldn't control my moans they were everywhere.

Those were the best 7 minutes of my life.

I quickly came and he took his dick out and I saw all his load coming out of him.

After we cleaned up we cuddled and I feel asleep in Tom kaulitz arms.

834 words

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