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"can I sit here?"
"Yeah sure" Beomgyu said slowly looking up realizing, and cursing at himself for not seeing before saying.


'shit!' He cursed in his thought

'oh God should've have seen.'

"What happened you look lost." Yeonjun asked raising his brow

'act cool act cool act cool, just don't get in trouble'

"No!, N-nothing happened ha-ha-ha!" Beomgyu blabbered scratching his hair getting nervous, cus he saw this freaken guy making out with a girl?!?, And not yeonjun sitting next to him, making him freaked out already!

"Cool then, ok see here, you have to help me with something." Yeonjun said in serious tone.

'No!' Beomgyu instead thoughts.

"Hey!" Yeonjun snapped his fingers.

"Okay act like you're talking to me." Yeonjun order.

"But you are talking to me" Beomgyu getting confused.

Yeonjun sighed, "look over there" yeonjun pointed.

Beomgyu got his eyes there where yeonjun was pointing,

"Oh! Isn't it that girl you were making out with!?" Beomgyu instantly spoke up after recognising the girl,

Shit maybe he should shut his mouth up.

Yeonjun glared at him.

"Sorry, tell me what I have to do!" Beomgyu's guard on.

"She's looking for me and I want you to get me out of her eyesight, you understood." Yeonjun explained.

"Hmmm..." Beomgyu started to think and yeonjun noticed that and make a bored expression.

'why do I have to do this, there's so many girls here, so why me though?'

"Are you done?" Yeonjun asked getting annoyed, he just wanted to get out of that girl's eyesight cuz she's annoying as fUcK.

"Sorry I was thinking something," Beomgyu chukled nervously.

"Mmmm... SHit!" Yeonjun exclaimed.
Suddenly leaning toward Beomgyu holding Beomgyu head, there lips almost touched, but it's didn't,

Beomgyu blushed and pushed yeonjun really hardly, at that time, that girl was nowhere to be seen, so it was fine for yeonjun but the fact he fell from his sit wasn't fine.

"What the fuck!!, Are you crazy?!?!" Yeonjun shouted.

"The fuc- you're crazy you almost fucking kissed me!?!" Beomgyu shouted back.

"But I didn't right!!".

"But you almost did it right??!?!!"

Yeonjun sighed, "well then I'm sorry."
Yeonjun is a asshole but he's knows when to stop right?

"Because I won't even kiss a faggot like you anyway cuz I'm not gay." Yeonjun snickered.

But still he is a asshole.

What the fuck?!?! How could he say something like this to him?!?!

"I-im not-not a fa-faggot." Beomgyu prickled tears but it didn't came out.

"Tsk- you are! to assume that I will kiss someone like you, I talked to you in this morning that doesn't mean I won't say anything to you, you're still a fucking faggot!" Yeonjun yelled.

Everybody attention was at them not like it wasn't before.

Beomgyu eyes widened.

"So you think you helped me?!?" Beomgyu yelled.

"Then I wouldn't sit with you anymore?!!"

Yeonjun chuckled.
"Not like I care, I have many people who are willing to sit with me anyway."

Beomgyu stood up from his sit, rubbed his eyes teary eyes, so he won't look pathetic., Which he was already looking.

"Oh look is baby crying." Yeonjun mocked.
Yeonjun tsked and said "crybaby."

Beomgyu aggressively walked off.

Not noticing his brother.

But yeonjun did.

"Soobin-naa here come here!" Yeonjun yelled.

Soobin stared at Beomgyu until he wasn't gone then started to walk up to yeonjun.

"What were you doing with that boy?" Soobin asked.

"Huh! Who?"

Soobin sighed.
"That boy who just walked off from here."

"Ohhhh!, Him, ah- well y-you k-know." Yeonjun point both his point finger at each other.

Soobin raised his eyesbrows.

To Beomgyu

Beomgyu ran to the bathroom, it just fucking hurt when someone say something like that, Beomgyu tear were non- stop, he know he's weak with things like that, he always got bullied for this in his middle school, this is just upsetting, he whimpered, sliding down the wall balling himself crying his self out, it's not his fault he have different liking, he can't help it, he's just born this way, but......one thing he and everyone around him knew, that he's fucking beautiful, a fucking beauty, and how many times you say he's ugly, but you're just confronting yourself that you're better than him but you're not, he knew that and so everybody.

His tear were also a beauty the way they were glistening was a beauty to be held in but can't be.

He stood up wiping his tear, recovered from breakdown,looking at himself in the mirror.

"Fucking shit we say." He mumbled.

He washed his face than got out of the bathroom bumping into so much like familiar chest, he looked up and sighed.

"Sorry I did what you warned me about." Beomgyu apologized.

"It's okay, it's not like you'll able to avoid him for like 4 year with the beauty you held in yourself." Soobin stated, chuckling afterwards seeing Beomgyu eyes lit up.

His Brother is really a beauty to be held in, he cherish him so much, that it hurts seeing him, hearing these dirty words.

"But don't go any near to him anymore, it's your first day that's you have nowhere to sit but with him, I'll talk to the teacher later, okay?"soobin said.

"Mmmm..."Beomgyu rubbed his finger.

Soobin noticed it and took his hand and rubbing it for him, then got off to class not before ruffling his hair in a mess, and smiling, because Beomgyu was mad for messing his hair up.

But he looked cute so whatever...

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