Chapter 3: Last night of freedom

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"Thomas!?" I screech

He looks up at me smiling

"Why, hello princess" he says in a chipper voice

I quickly glance around to see there were any guards around

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a hushed voice

"Well princess, since you are to be leaving soon I thought you would like to come down here. you know, with me" he replies giving me that damn goofy smile of his

I end up matching his smile with just as much enthusiasm

"But, why?" I ask still smiling

"You know, it's like a 'last night of freedom' sort of thing" he gestures around as he speaks to the crisp night air around him

"Well, how am I supposed to get down for my 'last night of freedom'?" I ask

He seemed to grin even wider at my inevitable question

"Well, I thought that out already" he says with a shit eating grin

He gestures over to the left of me

I turn and see a ladder right next to my window

"Oh, well you just thought of everything" I tease as I begin to climb out of my window onto the ladder

"is there something wrong with being a little prepared?" he pouts

i laugh at his antics, a little to hard.

Because the next thing i know, im no longer gripping the ladder anymore, but hurtling towards the ground

"oh Shit!" i hear Thomas curse as i fall towards him

"umph" i groan as i make contact with somthing hard

i slowly open my eyes, when i realize that I didn't actually hit the ground.

i look up and i see Thomas looking down at me with worried eyes.

He caught me, that was a whole 15 foot drop, and he caught me like it was no problem.

and like an idiot, instead of saying 'Thank you' i say

"Wow, that hay shoveling really built you up" I mentally faced palm

but, instead of thinking that I'm some weirdo that just fell from a ladder, he laughs.

a deep hardy laugh, that makes his Scottish accent extremely prominent

i start to laugh too, after a few moments of laughing together he lets me down

"alright princess, you ready for the real adventure?" he asks offering me his arm

"so me falling out of a two-story window wasn't it?" i tease

He blushes

"well, actually that wasnt part of the plan" he scratches behind his head, a little embarrassed

i laugh and grab his arm

"im just teasing, where too?" i ask

he immediately gets that same goofy grin from earlier on his face

"Now that is a surprise princess"


"the sprinkler system?" i ask in shock

"Yup" he says simply, starting to unbutton his shirt

i stand uncomfortable, i have never seen a boy like this before.

i mean my brothers don't count.

when he takes off his shoes and his suspenders he turns back to look at me with his shirt unbutton reveling is semi-toned stomach.

well as toned as you get for a 16 year old.

he flicks his, stupidly long hair out of his brown eyes and holds his hand out for me to take

i gulp loudly

he seemed to sense my nervousness

"Don't be frightened Princess, the sprinklers don't bite"

"its not the sprinklers im worried about" i say under my breath

he looks at with a confused look, but then shrugs it off

"you ready?" he asks, hand still out for me to take

i nod and take is hand, flicking of my own heels so i was bare foot like him

i hitch up my dress, and he takes the remainder of his shirt off.

"one,-" he starts to count

"two,-" i say after

"THREE!" we yell in unison

and off we go running through the spurting water, screaming our heads off

laughing and dancing around like we were 5 years old, instead of two 16 year olds

i end up pushing him down on one of the many hills and he tumbles down, i follow right after.

when we both reached the bottom of the hill we layed next to each other both soaked to our bones

after a few moments of comfortable silence, that was only accompanied by our heavy breathing. He leans up on his side, cradling his head in his hand.

i looked up at him from my postion on my back

he just stares at me with this unreadable look in his eyes

i am first to break the silence

"penny for your thoughts?" i ask

he looks down at me and a smile starts to form on his lips

"oh, just about how much im going to miss you once you leave to marry King pompous pants"

i laugh at the name

"me too, I'm going to miss it here. this is my home" i sigh

"are you going to be able to visit?" he asks optimistically

"honestly, i dont know. its up to my new husband" i say sadly

he looks away from me and returns back to his postion on his back, just looking up at the stars

i join him

"Your not going to get a sky like this in France" he says softly next to me

"Probably not" i reply


we arrived back a my room around 2 o'clock in the morning

i reach the ladder and he holds it steady for me to climb up, this time without any incidents

once in my room i turn back to look down at Thomas

"Goodbye Princess, Intil we meet again" he bows to me from the ground

"Goodbye Sir Thomas, Boy of the Stables" i say back

he smiles and he turns back to walk back towards the stable house

i turn around after I make sure my window is closed and back into my room

i quickly change and settle in bed, my sister nowhere in sight. Tana must have taken her to her room.

i lay there smiling in the darkness, remembering my 'Last night of freedom'.

"God, im going to miss this place" i mutter to myself before i drift off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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