4. Unrequited Love Unknown-

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Art Continued...

Fiat turns slowly to look at Ling. "His name is now Artist Pari. Call him Art or call him Mr. Pari." Fiat says in a stern tone.

" Yes Sir, I apologize Mr. Pari," She says while lowering her head.

"It's alright. It won't be official for another few weeks-

Fiat clears his throat and I look to find his gaze on me.
I smile awkwardly, "Call me Art, Ling." I say instead and Fiat's expression turns to one of reprimand.

I know he's annoyed.
Before we even left the island Jay had us sign so much paperwork, contracts, and miscellaneous documents to make sure our union was as legal as possible. Important documents having to do with finances, life insurance, property ownership, and name change. He said it would take several weeks for it to be official.

I shrug at Fiat. It's not that I mind using his last name, but not even he uses it. Everyone at the company calls him Fiat or Mr. Fiat. Won't it be odd if people call me the big name that decorates the inside and outside of the building? I'm not the CEO.

"Mr. Pari- Art, I mean."Ling says sheepishly and I gladly turn my attention towards her and away from Fiats heavy gaze.

"Did you need something else?" I ask a little too eagerly as I feel Fiat boring holes in my head.

"Oh no. I just...it maybe to forward to ask...but-

Gear sighs, "Show the poor girl your rings so she can go back to work." He says with a knowing smile.

I look to Ling's expectant expression as I slowly raise my hand towards her.

She takes my hand in hers to get a closer look, "It's even more beautiful than it was in the magazines." She mutters to herself.

"Is it?" I reply.

"It definitely screamed big bucks in the spread, but it couldn't possibly show how it catches the light. Is it true that it's insured for five million dollars?"

I'm caught off guard, "What makes you think that?"

Fiat clears his throat, "It's ten million actually."

He casually drops that bomb and I nearly gasp as the already heavy ring on my finger just transformed into a boulder.

"You're kidding?!" I snap and he slowly turns to meet my gaze. He doesn't say a word but there is no mistaking his expression. He is definitely not kidding.

Ling starts to shake my hand and I'm temporarily distracted, "I'm really am so happy for you both." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Uhh.." I start to thank her but I'm still not recovered from the bomb Fiat dropped and now Ling is suddenly perspiring around the eyes for no reason.

I maintain an awkward smile as my mind scrambles for what to say after her drastic change in emotion.

Ling smiles awkwardly as she wipes at her face.

"Oh, Thank you." I barely get the words out before she's suddenly bolting out of the door past Jay and Steel who have just entered.

She disappears from sight as Jay and Steel look at each other knowingly.

"What was that all about?" Gear asks Jay as he walks over and brushes a kiss to his cheek.

"Isn't it obvious? Ling has it bad for the CEO." Steel says with a chuckle.

Unrequited? 3- AfterWhere stories live. Discover now