Chapter 1

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Lee Rang's POV
Whimpers. Where are these sounds coming from? As I made my way through the desert, I saw it. A black van, driving with its headlights on through the dark. The whimpers were getting louder, and I knew that that vehicle contained animals. I teleported to front of the van, and I saw the shock and fear in the faces of the driver and his buddy. The car came to a stop right in front of my face, and the driver came out yelling "Who the hell are you! Are you crazy?!" He pointed a gun at me, and I scoffed.

I cocked my head towards the van and asked "What's in the back of the van?" He yelled "Get out of my way, or I'll shoot you!" I shook my head. Humans have never developed throughout the years, they're still as stupid as their ancestors. I asked playfully "Wanna play?" I could hear him mumbling "What is this crazy bastard?" I pulled out my axes and smirked before saying "I am the last crazy bastard you'll ever meet." Before charging towards him. He started randomly shooting at me, and even when the bullets hit me, I continued pursuing him. After some combat, I sighed when I pinned him down and said "It's tiring, goodnight!" Before slashing him with my axe. I saw the life drain out of him, and he remained motionless. I turned my attention to the guy in the van, and he scrambled into the driver's seat to drive away. As the van started barreling away from me, I teleported into the passenger side.

I asked "Do you really think you can run away?" Before attacking him with my axe. I stopped the van and hopped out, and in the glow of the headlights, I could see I was covered head to toe in the humans' blood. I grumbled "Aish...These were new!" Before keeping my axes and heading to the back of the van. I threw it open before directing the flashlight on my phone towards the inside of the van. That was when I saw a small fox, curled up on the floor of a cage. I opened it and could see many wounds on her body. I nudged her gently, and the fox woke up. It transformed into a girl, and she immediately bared her claws and tried to attack me. I swiftly dodged her attacks as she madly tried to claw at me. I said "Woah, calm down. Is this how you thank your saviour?"

She froze and I noticed her eyes scanning me from head to toe.

Yu Ri's POV
As I scanned the mysterious man in front of me, I could see the appearance of his tail. I asked "You're a fox?" He smiled and said "Yes, I am. Come on, let's go before they come back." I couldn't move. The punishments from all my futile escape attempts ran through my head like a panorama, and I let out a whimper and crouched down. The man said "I'm Lee Rang, I promise I won't hurt you. We need to leave. NOW." Without hearing me out, he yanked my arm and pulled me out of the vehicle. I kept trying to push his hand and scream but he was too strong.

I yelled "No, I can't leave! Let me go!" He grabbed me tighter and said "I'm not letting you go back. Follow me, or I'll knock you unconscious and force you to." I was wailing, and he shoved me into another vehicle. He strapped me in with a belt and said "This is what humans call a seatbelt. I'm not hurting you. It's to keep you safe." Before putting his own on, and driving off. I begged "Please...Please take me back to the van, please, I'm begging you..." He yelled "It's dangerous, why do you want to go back?!" I finally managed to choke out "My sister...She's in the van too..." The car came to an abrupt stop, and he said "What? Your sister...?" I nodded and said "My sister...She's the only one I have left-"

He spun the car around quickly and sped back to the site where the van was. That was when we saw it. Just as I was about to run to the van, it exploded into flames. I fell onto my knees and let out the most painful cry "Yu Rim, no! No!"

Lee Rang's POV
How could I not know that there was another fox on the van? As I looked at her crying her eyes out, my heart squeezed. This was such a deja vu. It brought back unwanted memories of how I killed GeomDoong with my own hands after the people burnt the forest down following Lee Yeon's departure. I clenched my fists at the thought of my brother, Lee Yeon. Was this how he was when he abandoned me for that human woman? I bet he wasn't. That cold bastard probably didn't even think about me after he left.

I carefully helped her up and brought her back to my car, before driving back to the city. I couldn't help but feel guilty that I broke her family up because my abilities let the presence of another fox slip through my fingers. I looked over at her sleeping figure and sighed. Whoever you are, I'm sorry for taking you away from your sister.

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