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Breath. You have nothing to fear. You're not really alone.

The shining array of warm colors made by the setting sun was bright, but not blinding as I was protected by the family of trees that made up the forest of my homeland. But even still I could not help but to close my eyes from the light refractions. Being in darkness helped me think. This was probably the most important day of my life. I was about to be crowned queen of the Emerald Kingdom at the young age of seventeen. How was I to lead a whole kingdom when I can barely ask any of the house workers questions without feeling a shaking in my limbs? And how was I to do it alone? My parents are gone and I have to face this alone when they were supposed to be here for this. I didn't need someone to help rule, but how can I when I feel like I don't even really know myself. Some people in the surrounding kingdoms looked down at me for becoming queen without a king.

But I don't want a king. My mother was queen of Emerald for two and a half years before she married my father during his visit from the Gold kingdom. Technically, my father had been forbidden from marrying her, but they did so anyway. As a result, he was exiled from the Gold Kingdom, but since they were married before that, I am still a royal. Our law doesn't mandate that you have to marry to become ruler or that you have to marry another royal, but even still, they could not live without the other. My mother understood, she always understood. Whenever I cried, she would let me just lay my head in her lap as she patted my back, lulling me to sleep and waiting for my explanation when I awoke. My father was a strong-willed and smart man with a soft heart that turned rock hard the moment anyone said a comment out-of-line. He strove for equality for everyone in the kingdom, even more so for the people in the palace. The two were a great team too. My mother focused on the people, crops, and trade while my father was more about strategy and defense. He knew the danger we were constantly in because of his family situation and would do anything to prevent us from coming to harm. With my mothers smooth talking soft speech that she paired with her glistening, manipulative smile, she could do anything, even calm a nobleman on a tangent. With them backing us up, we never came to war.

But I had no partner. No pair. There was no team. Could I do everything they did? Sure I've been taught it since I was born, but would it have the same effect? I opened my eyes and shifted them to look at the portrait of my mother and father that hung in the chapel foyer. My mothers forest green eyes that were so similar to the jewel of our kingdom looked out with hope and love for the people she cared for so dearly. Her dark brown hair raised into a high bun and her face, scarcely aged, wore the bright and genuine smile that brought comfort to all. My father, standing tall behind her, arms hidden behind his back, embodied the support he offered to all. His face, though not smiling, gave the feeling of compassion. Golden eyes that I had inherited, rested like the cooled metal, showing no feeling of anger or discomfort, focused on something far away in the distance, making you feel safe that he was looking out for you and your future.

I have no need to be afraid, I tried to mentally reason with myself. This is what you have been preparing for your whole life. You know the people and they know and care for you as you do them. You know the land, the treaties, the customs, the rulers of the surrounding kingdoms and their kids. You just have to make sure you don't fall, clumsy.

"Quinn, are you ready?"

When I was anxious, I would relax by avoiding the situation, if possible, but this is not one of those situations. I couldn't run and hide or pretend I wasn't there. I couldn't feign sickness or having an important matter because this was the matter.

I turn to the speaker, my childhood best friend Alice. She is wearing the same maids outfit she always had to for public events. My parents never thought of themselves as greater than the people who assisted us in daily events like some of the other kingdoms did, but to prevent issues they decided it was safer if they wore uniforms on the days they were seen by other rulers. Her dirty blond hair is a tight bun, which was unusual. She also is often in her own amazing clothes that she makes. My parents encouraged this skill of hers and even bought supplies. She wants to own a boutique and her boyfriend, who worked out of the place, has been saving up money for that to happen while she practices different designs in her free time. I have been her model for years and although she has made thousands of different designs in general, many specifically for me, I would have to say her newest is my favorite. 

"I don't think I ever will be. What am I supposed to do, Al? Rulers of the neighboring kingdoms are there, waiting for me to fail. The people of Emerald are in need of someone strong to rule like my parents but I am not them."
"And that's okay. You are your own person who will rule in her own way. The people will understand. Now take a deep breath and spin for me. I just need to make sure it looks right all around."
"Sure," I agreed, picking up the bottom then turning my back to her again to do a 360.

I swirl the dress around, all the ruffles moving from the bottom to the top. It's black velvet with shimmery emerald ribbons that wiggle in swirly designs at the bottom hem and travel to my waist. They are also at my wrist and twist up my arms until the strand from the left meets the one from the right in the middle of my chest, which is fully covered. It is an off-the-shoulder dress for the purpose of leaving space for the emerald necklace I wear for special occasions. It's a simple accessory with a short silver chain that holds a small circular emerald jewel in the middle. I was given it on my sixteenth birthday by my mother. After her "death", the times I wear it become rarer to not risk losing it during some daily action. To match the theme of the outfit and kingdom name, an emerald tiara rests upon my head. The tiara will soon be replaced by the crown my mother wore after I was coronated queen. I fearI will collapse from the pressure and the additional weight of the headpiece.

"Perfect. You look beautiful, Quinn."
"Only because of you. This is my favorite piece you've made so far."
"Just in time for your day. I'll never have to do it again, thankfully."
"What are you on, dummy? You have to make my wedding dress too."
"Oh, right. And mine. But I'll do that when it comes time. For now," she says taking my hands in hers,"focus on your breathing, calm your nerves, relax your muscles. Take one more look at the portrait and tell your parents you'll see them after you've been crowned."

I turn my head back to the left, take in another look at my parents' portrait. I softly as I feel their warmth surrounding me, moving me forward to guide me through the doors to the altar.

"I'm ready," I say, looking at her with no sign of wavering in my eyes, a slight smile on my face.

"Walk down that aisle with confidence. Don't be afraid to show off that pretty smile. Let them know from the moment you walk in the room how ready you are to rule," she demanded as she gave me a small push," And, show off my dress," she smiles as she giddily runs to do her job.

She signals to the people on either side of the large doors to open them. She walks to the right and goes through a regular sized door that has stairs leading to the second floor, which is full of castle workers and some civilians who are here to spread the word about the events inside. Once she was out of sight, I knew that I had to start moving forward all the while trying not to look at the pews at my sides that housed different kingdoms' royal families.

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