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 Chapter 10

Yi and Jin stood together on the sidewalk in front of a residential house, where the girl's apartment would be located.

"Have you got your keys?" Questioned Jin observing his girlfriend seek in her pants for the keys to her family's apartment and found them.

"It's here," Responded Yi showing her boyfriend the key making him smile. "It would be bad if I had lost it during the transformation or any other way," Mentioned the raven-haired girl earning a nod from the boy.

"Oh if I had lost it, my parents would have killed me," Stated Jin earning a smile from the short girl.

"I know, what you mean," Commented Yi, then heard the door of the entrance squeak and both looked at a person holding the door up, which was the mother of Yi, who was carrying a carton with milk packs. "Oh hey Mom," Greeted Yi holding the hand against the door to facilitate her mother to hold the box.

"Good evening. Shall I carry the box up for you?" Offered Jin making Yi's mother smile and shake her hand at the boy.

"No thank you, Jin. It's fine," Responded the woman. "Thanks for walking Yi back home. Did you have a great time together?"

"Yeah, we did," Responded Yi looking at Jin. "We walked through the park together and talked about our day. It was short, but amusing for both of us," Explained the daughter winking at the boyfriend, which nodded as the girl hid their outgo as superheroes.

"You know, the university is pretty challenging and I thought I could use someone to rant about," Added Jin making the woman smile and lean back at the door.

"You're very intelligent, Jin. You will make it through. Just keep your head up," Said the woman earning a nod from Jin, afterward Yi stepped out to give Jin a kiss on his cheek.

"Talk to you tomorrow," Yi said, then watched the two women enter and he waved back at them.

"Good night!" Wished Jin and turned around to make his way back home along the sidewalk, afterward Plagg glimpsed out of the pocket of his dress shirt.

"No cheese?" Questioned Plagg making Jin shake his head amused.

"You already had one before. You gotta wait until we're back home," Mentioned the Chinese-descendant boy making the kwami nod. "I don't know if you're into it. I had seen on store cheese with walnuts. Have you thought about trying it out?"

"A cheese made of nuts or a cheese with nuts?" Questioned Plagg making Jin raise his eyebrows confused.

"With nuts......." Responded Jin wondering, if he had phrased his sentence correctly. "It was basically a soft cheese with nuts around the corner. Seemed pretty delicious to my eyes,"

"Why not. I could give it a try someday," Mentioned the kwami, then Jin patted the cat with his index finger and looked forward to see a few cars moving along the road as regularly.

Jin was getting closer to a crossroad, then heard two voices yell and the boy looked at the bridge from where he heard the voices, then encountered a duo of teens standing on top of an E-Scooter racing away in panic. Jin got curious, then stopped by the edge of the crossroad to look, if something had happened.

"There's an akuma! Run!" Yelled the teen standing behind the friend on the scooter and Jin observed the young men move straight on along the crossroad. Jin looked back to see a car drive backward fast on the right side of the road and Jin took his phone out to search in his social media app for the group, where he and the alter egos of the superheroes were in it. Jin pressed the recording option to record a message.

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