The Fall

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 Chapter 18

Jin and Yi sat in a coffee shop together each drinking a different flavored chai latte. Above their table, Jin had his medicine book placed on top of the table, which he wasn't using at the moment during Yi's presence.

"What are you going to do, if you fail the next exams? You know you're going to get kicked out from university at some point," Warned the younger girl, while Jin tapped with his fingers on his drink listening to her.

"I don't know, Yi. I can't just quit now. What if Gabriel brings up a villain, that might need more hands to put him down? What if someone like Stretch appears again? Someone alike? Marinette is going to need all the hands she has to defeat them. They need us too," Jin explained. "Even if I could hand out the ring to someone else, that person would have to learn how to get used to it,"
"Miss Vixen and Honey Gold had that chance. Someone else could in your place have this chance. Anyone," Yi commented. "Do you really want to throw away your chance to become a doctor?"

"I have already seen, that this path has given me little to no time for myself or anything else. The only reason I can get out to fight with you all is because I skip classes,"

"Without all that, you wouldn't have fallen into a discussion with your mother the other day,"

"Yes, I know. I'm honestly a little relieved to know, that she knows who I am. I still got scolded for not being honest about it. On the other hand, I don't have to be constantly lying to her about why this or that related to akumas happened,"
"My mother knows nothing about me or you.....your mother does and I don't think she ever said a word to my mom, otherwise I believe things would be different too,"
"I think she kept it to herself. I know back as a child, I didn't want my father to know about that one manly thing we get during puberty and my mom actually kept it a secret,"

"What?" Asked Yi confused making Jin nod.

"I don't know. It just seemed embarrassing to me. Don't ask me why, it was like that," Mentioned Jin making his girlfriend chuckle.

"Too bad I wasn't there," Commented Yi making Jin shake his head and nudge the girl's shoulder.

"You were.....I mean you weren't inside the house, but up in your family's apartment. I think you wouldn't have understood it eventually. Peng obviously wouldn't," Added Jin making Yi nod.

"I kind of miss those times, when we could all just be together and have fun. No responsibilities, no worries, no trouble....." Yi commented watching Jin pout.

"No trouble isn't really the right word here," Commented Jin getting elbowed by the girlfriend. "You're the one, who freed the mices in science class,"
"I had a blast back then as a kid.....You were always crashing the party and never letting me fulfill my plans,"

"I just did that to keep you out of trouble. I've been always worried since that incident with the cat,"

"Those two boys deserved to know, that what they did was wrong and you know, I can't stand still when I see this kind of stuff and no one handles. You on the other hand, you even stood up for me, even if you earned a blue eye afterward,"

"I didn't forget that one. You still owe me a piece of meat after that," Mentioned Jin watching Yi shake her head amused at his comment.

"For your eye or to bury it?" Questioned Yi watching Jin frown, then start to tickle her beside her belly.

"You know, what I mean," Commented Jin watching Yi laugh, while trying to prevent him to continue the tickling. Jin laughed along with the girlfriend, then heard a student sitting across another table with a couple of friends looking at her laptop to see a video of Nadja Charmack on a live stream on a park in Paris. "Is something up?" Questioned Jin stopping along with Yi to look at the computer to see the journalist move carefully along the park with the cameraman to spot a gray-colored villain.

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