chap 2 - a little visit

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I was on my way the Black Dragons and I kept replaying the moment of the guy from the cafeteria taking down our whole table i mean, it was pretty impressive I've got to say. 

The sun was shining and I put my hand on top of my forehead to shield my eyes. I was not looking forward to going to the Black Dragon. I kept telling myself it would be fine and it will all be worth it, I just need to say that I'm not interested and they'll leave me alone. But something inside of me knew that was not how it was going to go down.

I was at the Black Dragons glass doors when I saw someone running towards me from inside.

'Hey April, I thought you werent gonna show, cmon.' Alex said and then slung his arm over my shoulder, again. This better not be a new a thing.

'Hey Alex I just came to stop by quickly I have a lot to do-' I started 

'Yeah, Yeah I get it come on' He said ushering me into the main room and I got to say, it was an impressive dojo. But that did not mean i was gonna change my Dojo rule.

I used to go to a Dojo back in my old city, but I've learnt from experience Dojos aren't what they say they are. Everything was fine in my old Dojo until I got betrayed, stabbed in the back, and once they got what they wanted out of me I was useless and they just discarded me like it was nothing. Yeah no biggy, I had only been going there for eight years.

After I said hi to everyone I sat on the bench and watched as Alex tried to show off. I rested my chin on my hands and sighed. This was going to be a long day.


I was about to go give Alex my fake excuse on why I needed to leave but then I saw him walk in. When the new guy saw me he looked at me briefly before smiling. That's when I felt my cheeks go warm. God i hope he didn't see that.

He walked towards the sensei and Kim and they started talking about god knows what. I tried to listen but I couldn't hear anything so I just settled on staring at the new boy instead. That worked for me. I caught Alex looking at me. He looked angry or even jealous. Oh my god, we had never even gone out before what was he mad at me for? If i was honest I didn't care if alex was mad at me, maybe that would get him off my back.

I don't see what the big deal is anyway, its not like i like this new kid. I don't even know the guy, all I've done is smile at him we've never actually had a conversation. So there was no way I actually liked him. Even if i did, which I don't, its not like he liked me so what was the big deal even if i did like him, which i don't. Oh my god I need some fresh air. When I was walking out  Alex gave me a small nod, he still looked mad but he seemed to have cooled down. In return I gave him a small wave. 


Not long after I had left I heard someone behind me. I turned to check if it was Alex, I mean I wouldn't be surprised if he was gonna follow me home. To my surprise it wasn't Alex but it was the new kid. He was holding some sort of staff and he was staring at it with a smile on his face. He looked up and saw me staring. shit

'Hey!' he called out. Well fuck this was embarrassing. I slowly turned around to face him. He started to walk towards me and i could see that he had a smug look on his face because he obviously knew that I was staring at him. 

I shrugged 'sooo,' I said awkwardly.

He stared at me until I spoke when he then seemed to snap out of it. 'I saw you at the lunch table today, you go to the Black Dragons?' He questioned.

'Oh no, no, no, no, no.' I said 

'No?' he said crossing his arms smiling at me

'No, I was just asked to come down i don't actually go there, they're trying to recruit me to join their creepy group'

He laughed and then and made a hm sound.

'What was that hm for?' I said 

'What hm?' 

'You just went hm.' i said 

'No i didn't.' 

'Eh yes you did. I said they just asked me to join and then you went, hm.' 

He looked at me for a few seconds then laughed softly. 'I just didn't take you for the karate type.'

I crossed my arms. 'well what type did you think i was?' I scoffed

'Not the karate type.' he said plainly before adding 'more like the stalker type' he said with a smile creeping up on his face

I stared at him mouth open before slapping him on the arm 'Hey! in my defence I was only staring at you just there because I thought i was getting followed home.' 


'I did!' I yelled 

He laughed at me again 'Alright-' he said pausing to think 'Wait whats your name?'

'Whats yours?' I said 'I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.'

'Jack.' he said sticking his hand out to shake, 'And yours?'

I looked at his hand and then turned my back and started walking away 'guess you'll have to find out' I called back to him.

oooh ! first jack - april scene, hope y'all enjoyed<3

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