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"Another gruesome murder has taken place this time the victim was 20 year old single mother Ava" the news reporter on the tv says this is the fifth murder this month who ever this killer is they are killing fast and it's got to be hard on the police no wonder I haven't heard from Elliot in weeks my phone starts ringing "yes" I say expecting it to Martha my agent yelling at me that my rewrite is due in a couple days and I should have it finished by now

    "I was just made lead detective I'm the serial killer case" Elliot says "oh my god congratulations once you catch them we have to celebrate! Have you told mom and dad they will be so happy for you" I say genuinely happy Elliot is my twin he followed in our family's footsteps and because a police officer we moved to Rhode Island together after high school and have lived her since

   "No I'm calling them next" he says "where are you" I ask "the latest crime scene." He says "Okay I'll be right there. I got to go they found something" he says and hangs up I grab my headphones and put them on before blasting music and working on the rewrite

      My music stops and my phone starts buzzing I look down it's mom I pick up "did you hear your brother is lead detective on the serial killer case down there" she asks "yes mom I was his first call" I say "how is writing going" she asks "it's going great thanks for asking" I say "are you ever gonna tell me your pen name" she asks "no I don't want you ever reading my books mom we've been over this" I say "but you're published so how do you know I haven't already" she asks

      "I don't have the energy for this" I say "you always say that" she says "I know because I never have the energy for it. I have to go I need to get back to writing I have a deadline love you" I say and hang up she doesn't mean any harm I know but every since I decided to be an author and not a lawyer or police officer our relationship has been rocky that's not the only reason but it's one of the biggest.

    I spend the next four hours staring at my computer screen hardly writing I'm stuck again I close my computer and get up I go to the kitchen and make a sandwich I grab some chips and go back to the couch I sit down and turn on pride and prejudice I eat and watch the movie while trying to think of how to fix this plot hole I have no clue how I missed it the first time but now I'm stuck

      After I finish pride and prejudice I put my head phones back on turn my phone on do not disturb and play my music while staring at my computer some more. After another hour of staring and think I find a way to fix so I quickly start writing and before I know it words are flowing out of me and Im on a roll I write and write until my fingers hurt and i look up from my computer it's dark in my living room

   When'd it get dark out i check the time holly shit I was so focused on writing and editing I didn't realize I haven't moved in eight hours I should go on a run it's good for my body and I can continue to think about my book I close my laptop and go to my room I quickly change into a sport bra some shorts and throw a baggy shirt over it I put my hair up in a pony tail I go to the living room I grab my phone so I can continue listening to music I go to the kitchen and fill up a water bottle

    Then I leave my house I start with a slow run just to get some blood flowing I slow run all the way down my street before breaking into a full in sprint I run run and run getting lost in my music and my thoughts I run as fast as possible until I eventually make it back to my house I enter my house and check the time I ran for an hour nice. I call Elliot "hey I can't really talk right now is everything okay" he asks "yeah I was jus calling to see how your first day as lead detective was" I say "it was great" he says then he says something to someone "there was another murder wasn't there" I say "yeah" he says and sighs

   This is the closest they've been the killer has always waited at least two days before killing again "okay well you catch this bastard I love you" I say  "I will love you too" he says and hangs up I go to my bathroom I start playing my music on my echo dot and start the hot water I strip and get in the shower cleaning the sweat off me then I go to my bedroom and put on new underwear and my oversized hoodie I go back to the living room with my headphones and phone I sit on the couch

      Im actually gonna watch  another romance movie before writing more and i need to eat I go to my kitchen and grab a premade salad and fork before going back to the couch curling up and turning on the notebook I eat and watch the notebook it probably my favorite movie and I don't have a good explanation for it

    I watch the notebook then the titanic before trying to write some more then giving up and watching scream which I fall asleep too

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