Chapter 1 back again?

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Gun shot up from his sleep like a terrible nightmare just shook his core, which wouldn't be to far from the truth actually. The first thing that he noticed was that he was not in his fiance's lap anymore, the second was that he was not on the hospital couch or even anywhere that resembled the hospital room he fell asleep in nor was he in Tinn and his apartment. He couldn't say that he didn't recognize the room he was in but he also couldn't say he did, It was his old room in their old house that his mom had to sell when she got sick again but even before selling the house his room didn't look like this anymore.

"Oi buttface! Are you awake yet? You're going to be late for your first day!" His bedroom door suddenly flew open. "Oh? You are awake? What are you just sitting there for? Get ready! I don't have time to baby you yaknow, I need to make a living." Before he could even react he jumped up and caged his mom in the strongest hug he could. She looked so healthy, so... alive.

"Mae?" He was sobbing now as he felt his mother's arms slowly wrap around him.

"Gun? What's wrong?" He could feel her panicking, could hear it in her voice that sounded so strong. "Ai jackass?" Gun gave her one last squeeze before pulling away and wiping away the tears that now stained his cheeks. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, guess I just had a bad dream." He flashed the best smile he could. No matter what his mother was in front of him, she wasn't bedridden and pale and so thin that her bones could be seen even through her clothes. If this was a dream he'd treasure it for as long as he could. "How about we close shop for the day and go on a picnic or something?"

He was expecting the dream to either work with him or to stop dreaming all together, what he wasn't expecting was to be softly slapped upside the head. "Ai jackass, trying to skip out on school now? What about your club members huh? It's your first day as head of the club, how will the juniors respect you if you ditch the job from the get go?" she shook her head and threw a nearby towel to him. "You were so exited yesterday you even went to sleep earlier. Get ready before you're late."

Gun stood stunned for a solid minute before he finally moved. So... not a dream? He thought to himself. He listened to Tinn talk about lucid dreams once, although the topic was boring for him his fiance was so so handsome when he talked about something new he learned from those thick doctor books that he knew quite a few interesting medical facts just because he couldn't resist his lovers enthusiasm.

So as he stood in front of the mirror after his shower and stared at his younger body he was sure this was not a dream, dreams would not be able to visualize his younger body - that even he forgot what it looked like - this well. A dream also never plays out by the second so this was not a dream. Then again the life he had before waking up could also not have been a dream, he remembers every excruciating second of yesterday, of his mother in that hospital bed, of Tinn hugging him while he did nothing but cry.

Now look, Gun wasn't smart enough to have so many questions in his head, so after shaking his head a few times - wet hair shooting droplets everywhere - he smiled to himself and got ready for what was apparently the first day of his senior year, again.

He'd play it out until he was back to his reality, and if he changed some events in this... wherever he was... with the memories he had. Who was going to stop him? So as he left the shop and reminded his mom to look for a replacement for when P'Daisy goes into labor he had a little hop to his step.


It was beyond weird to see Chinzhilla without Sound either hanging off of Win or fighting with him when Gun stepped into the music club room. He vaguely remembers this day - seeing as it happened six years ago - but as far as he can tell if he doesn't change anything it is playing off exactly the same as it did all those years ago. Win and Yoh were at the exact same spots playing on their phones and Phat and Por were entertaining a few juniors with BBQ at the little table.

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