Brendan - Part 1

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*Ella's POV*

Like every morning I would walk to school, but this morning was different. It was pitch black outside. I still wanted to walk to school. I would rather walk outside then ride with Louis. All the girls would just scream when we arrive.  

I was just about to head out when Louis pulled my wrist. "Where do you think you're going?".

"Um, I don't know? School!"

"El, do you know how dark it is? I'm driving you to school" Louis said sternly.

"Ughh, whatever." I moaned. I climbed inside the car, and Louis drove me to school. When we got there, the sun was already up. As usual, when the girls saw his face they came running to the car, screaming. I rolled my eyes, and Louis just smiled out of the window to the girls. 

When we stopped the girls were ALL over the window. I tried to get out, but I couldn't get the door open. "See, Louis? This is why I hate it when you drive me to school." 

After a few minutes of honking the horn, the girls finally got the message. They backed up, and I flew out the door. I didn't know that they did, and I flew into the ground. I looked up, and they were all staring at me. I stood up, looked around, smiled, and walked away. When I left the girls got back to fan girling over Louis. I just rolled my eyes. I bet they wouldn't do that if they lived with him.

As I walked in the building there were only boys. The fact that all the girls were still outside. I looked around and saw Brendan... Ugh... I couldn't stand him. He thinks he's so famous because of his videos on YouTube. He was my mortal enemy. 

He finally noticed me and started walking this way. "Hey, Rosie. Made your famous brother drive you to school for attention?" He said while spitting in my face.

"Haha, you're funny. It's like I wanted him in the first place." I mocked him, and spitting on his face.

"Sure..." He said rolling his eyes, and still spitting on my face.

We just started spitting in each other's face until it was wet. Gross. We both ran into the restroom, and washed our faces. When I came out the bell was ringing. He was still in there. 

I quickly rushed to science class, and since I was the last one there, other than Brendan, there were only two seat left in the back of the classroom. "Great." I moaned to myself. I quickly came over and sat down.

A few minutes later Brendan came running in with water all over his face. I snickered a little. He looked around and stared at me. He came over and sat down. He purposely stepped on my foot. I stomped back, and we kept on making a weird noise. The teacher stared at us. "Whatever you two are doing, stop it. If you disrupt my class one more time, it's the principle's office for both of you. Understood?"

"Yeah, whatever." We both said rolling our eyes.

We were dong an experience today. She passed out bottles of water to everyone, and said not to touch it. Brendan did the exact opposite.

"You're obviously deaf. She said DON'T touch it." I said sassing him off.

"Since when did you start following the rules?" 

Just then, Alex, the boy who sat in front if Brendan pushed his chair back, and the water spilt. It just didn't spilt anywhere.. It spilt on me. "Brendan, you are dead!" I said as I grabbed my bottle and dumped it all over him. He tried to dumped it over me, but was disrupted by Mrs. Martin.

"That's it! I'm done with you both! Go to the principle's office! Now!" She screamed pointing towards the door. We both walked out.

"It's all your fault." Louis told me under his clenched teeth.

"My fault?! You started it!" I screamed at him.

"I didn't mean to!"

We were about to knock, when the principle opened the door. "Ahh, Ella Tomlinson and Brendan Jackson. How nice to meet you two again." He said as if nothing had happened.

We both had confused glances on our face. He told us to come in and sit down.

"Now, Mrs. Martin told me what you guys did. There are going to be serious consequences." He said look at both of us. "You two are going to have detention for a week.".

"A week?!" Brendan raised his voice.

"Yes, a week. I have called your guardians to pick you up. It will start tomorrow."

We waited until we heard some foot steps to the office. I looked around, and it was Brendan's parents. He stood up and left the building. Great, I'm last.

A few minutes later Louis came. I still kept my head turned the other way. "Come on, El." He said. I walked over to him, and looked at him. I was in so much trouble. I walked by Louis' side, as we walked towards the car. This was the second time it happened. I'm not going to be able to sit for weeks, or months.


*Louis' POV*

You couldn't believe how angry I was at El. Seriously?! Second time?! First period?! Ughh, she's in so much trouble.

 I opened the door and went inside with Ella. She just stood behind me with her head down. 

"What happened?" Niall asked.

"Well, El managed to 

I grabbed her arm and pulled her up the stairs. She was in so much trouble. I went in the room and closed the door. "Over my lap. Now." I said firmly.

She obeyed and laid over my lap. I pulled down her pants and her knickers. Without hesitation,


"Oww, Louis stop it! It hurts!" I said as I wriggled.

"It's supposed to hurt. That way it'll teach you a lesson. Stop wriggling, El. It's almost over." 

After 20 more smacks, he stopped. He picked me up into his laps. I was still bawling out tears.

"Shh, El, it's over. You're forgiven." He comforted me.

I was still crying. My tears stained all over his shirt.

"It's okay. Shh.." He rocked me.


So.... That was the chapter! I hope you guys love it! As I said, this chapter is going to be really good! It's not out yet. This is only part one. Thank you so much! I'll try and update as soon as possible... 

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