Brendan - Part 2

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I woke up at 6:40. I usually don't wake up after my alarm clock rings, but today somehow I did. I was about to go back to sleep, but I decided to watch TV since I only have 20 minutes left before I had to wake up.

I turned on the TV in my room and turned channels until I find the one I'm interested in. No good channels that I saw were on in the morning. I kept on turning, until I saw Brendan's face flash. I turned back, and they were talking about him. "Girls all over the world are going crazy about the YouTube sensation, Brendan Jackson. It all started with a share from several celebrities saying that they loved him. Now, we all love him". As soon as I heard that my mouth hung in confusion. How did this all happen in one night?! I just sat there speechless.

"Ella, what are you doing up? You're supposed to be asleep!" I heard Liam yell from the door, and his head sticking in.

I looked over at him, and rolled my eyes. "Relax, It's 6:50. I have to wake up in 10 minutes." 

"Oh, it is? Okay." He left my room and returned to his room. 

I turned my head to the screen, and went back to being confused. My mind was racing all over. Brendan is so going to use this over me, I thought. How is it possible?! Girls are already buying posters of him, and everything! It's 7:00 AM! This is not humanly possible.


I went to my locker, and put in my stuff. I could already see all the girls putting posters of Brendan in their lockers. I rolled my eyes at the sight of it. Suddenly, I heard a scream, and some running, I turned around and saw Brendan walking in. All the girls stood by their lockers, and stared at him helplessly. I was the only girl who wasn't. They all crowded over him, and I smirked. At least he has that problem.


The bell rang. First period, science. I walked in noticing all the girls standing up.  Brendan walked in with a bunch of boys while the girls all followed him. He chose a seat in the back of the room. A girl rushed over and sat by him. Tiffany, the queen of the school came over to the girl, and looked at her with an evil eye. The girl stood up and walked away with her head down.


Second period, math. We were choosing partners for a project. Just as I guessed looks were already going over the room. The looks were all on Brendan. 

"Go!" Th teacher instructed. The whole class flew towards Brendan as he ducked down. I was still in y seat staring at them.

"Alright, since you guys can't pick partners, I'll pick them for you." 

All the names were said, and Brendan was with Connor. She didn't say my name yet. 

"Ella, you'll be with.... Tiffany!" Great. I'm with the drama queen. 


It was finally lunch time. I grabbed my lunch and sat down at a table. Brendan sat at a table directly behind me. I started eating, and Jake flicked some mash potatoes my way. He was this guy who really hated me. He was friends with Brendan, apparently. Anyone who is friends with Brendan hates me. Of course, I had fast reflexes, and ducked in time. I watched as it flew over my head, and into the next table. It splashed Brendan in the head. I let out a really loud laugh, and Brendan looked at me with the eyes of revenge. He squinted them. He then turned around and grabbed some pasta. He threw it on my shirt, and I gasped. I immediately threw something back.

A kid out of nowhere yelled "Food fight!". Everybody stood up, and foods of all sorts started flying everywhere. Soon everyone had food on their body. I laughed when a tomato hit Brendan on his shirt. He looked at it with a disgusted look. He threw back something to the same direction the tomato came from. Everyone screamed and hid under tables, while others threw food. That was including me, Brendan, Haley, and Jake. This was going on until the principle blew his whistle. "Stop! What has happened?" He yelled.

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