3. Unnoticeable

109 1 35

Kyle's Pov

They're holding hands and giggling when I walk into school on Monday. Instead of staring and waiting until one walks away I march right up to them.

"Hey Wendy, here's your umbrella. Thanks again."

"Thanks Kyle!" She smiles sweetly, taking it from my hand.

"Hey Kyle, is it cool if I sit with Wendy at lunch today?" One strike.

"Yeah, it's cool dude!" I lie, "don't get too crazy."

He looks taken aback, like he didn't know that was a joke. "Dude, what?" Two strikes.

"Nothing, I was just- nothing."

Suddenly Wendy grabs Stan's face and kisses him.

"Oh yeah!" He exclaims suddenly when they pull away, "I was wondering if you and Wends would be willing to switch lockers? You'd be next to Kenny, so I thought it'd be cool. Plus, the school already gave us permission." Three strikes.

You're out.

"Mhm! Totally dude!" I restrain from making any jokes this time.

"Thank you so much Kyle! You're awesome dude!"

I thought maybe he was going back to me. But no, I just have to keep shadowing him unnoticed.

Wendy pulls Stan down the hall, probably to an empty classroom to make out. I just want to cry.

"Dude, brutal." Kenny says, apparently he was there the whole time.

"It's fine. Wendy's his girlfriend, it makes sense."

I walk away after that. It's not like I have time to worry about Wendy and Stan's relationship. School's more important anyway.

Yep, just keep telling yourself that Kyle.

Classes are long and boring, but at least once I'm done with this hell of a highschool I can hopefully go to my dream college. Which I need to send in my application for soon.

"Don't forget you need to have that essay finished by the time you walk into this class tomorrow!" Our English teacher is yelling as student flood out of the class.


I forgot about that.

"Kyle can you-" I didn't hear the rest of Kenny's sentence because I was already down the hall.

I have to get home and finish this essay. I need time, I need so much more time. I can't get a bad grade, I just can't.

"Kyle!" I heard Kenny shout.

"What's going on?" Stan asked from behind me.

"Not like you'd care." Kenny retorted. I smiled knowing he had my back, but I still didn't slow down.

They didn't get the chance to catch up. I got into my car and drove home.

My parents still weren't back and Ike was being picked up by a friend today. Perfect.

I only got half of the first paragraph written before I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

It was unlocked, so I didn't bother.

The door swung open. I turned to see Kenny standing in the entrance, Stan slightly behind him.

"Hey." Kenny said, inviting himself in.

"Guys, I really have to get this done-" I started.

"No you don't Ky." Stan told me quietly. "You have time, stop freaking out."

Kenny seemed to decide Stan had it from there, because he turned and walked up the steps. Probably to steal my Easter candy or my money.

"I have to get it done! There's not enough time Stan! I have to be perfect! I have-" I gripped my curls mid-way through my rant.

Stan twisted my chair, grabbed my arms, abd looked me directly in the eyes. "Stop it Kyle."

"Stan quit-"

"No. Listen to me. Your life does not depend on this essay. It does not have to be perfect, and neither do you."

"Stop Stan. I don't want to talk to you." I said, trying to pull away from him.

"Why not?" He asked, pulling me up out of my seat.

"Cause you're a dick!"

He dropped my arms and backed away from me, "how am I a dick?"

"Just forget it. Leave please."

"No, answer me, how am I a dick?" He asked again.

"When you're with Wendy, it feels like I'm not even there! I'm completely invisible and you treat me like I don't even matter!" I yell.

Kenny rushes back down the steps, yelling "WORD!" over his shoulder as he goes to the kitchen.

"Whatever! I'm sorry no one loves you, so you don't know what it's like to have a girlfriend!" Stan spits.

"YOU LOVED ME!" I scream.

"Guys please don't fight." Kenny appears from behind me. "We came over here to try and calm you down, I don't want you two fighting because of me."

"We're not fighting because of you. We're fighting because Kyle is saying shit about me!"

"Dammit Stan, I love you! I have for so long but, you never notice me!"

"What is wrong with you Kyle?! You're disgusting. I am not gay, and neither should you be."

"What-?" I stumbled backwards as if his words were bullets.

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you anymore." He spat, crossing his arms.

I shot forward, breathing heavy and sweating. I was sat at my couch, computer on the table in front of me, the screen dark.

It was pitch black by now, it had to be around nine PM.

How long was I asleep for?

I picked up my phone and- holy shit! It's three AM?!

I opened my essay back up, I only had a few sentences left to write, I could finish it right now.

Long story short, I ended up falling back asleep a sentence in.

I honestly don't like this chapter, but yk😭
Also Happy Birthday Kyle😍😍

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