Namiah Gregory
Chicago, IL
2:34 PM
___"ma i want some cake" i said jumping to sit on the counter
"girl get off my shit. and what is you telling me for, you got yo own money and yo own car." she said smacking my thigh
"ow! and ion got no money i'm broke" i yawned
"lies yo sister told me she saw you counting a stack of money last night" she raised her eyebrow
"girl what. she lyin, and tell her stay out my business" i mugged
"where you work?"she asked
"volunteer work at tha pharmacy" i shrugged
"ian never heard of that." she looked at me suspiciously
"yea yk they got a lot of different opportunities for the youth these days" i said getting off the counter
"mm, well ok, you working today?" she asked wiping the counters
"yea around 3" i said leaving the kitchen before she could ask me anything
"Give me my car back" my dad said as i walked pass the TV
"my car." i yawned flopping on the couch
"no it's not and don't wear my couch out like that" he mugged me
"i've told you time after time. after time. after time." i let out a huge sigh before i finished my sentence "this is my house. i pay tha bills. this my couch, i can do whatever i want" i said keeping a straight face
"yea ok. you wish you could afford this, wit yo broke ass" he started cracking up
"you a child" i rolled my eyes getting up
"ok ma'am?" he shrugged
"ite y'all i'm finna go out for a min" i said coming back downstairs
"what's in the book bag?" my momma asked
"things that's usually in my purse? i decided to wear this instead of a purse. is that fine?" i asked
"what time you coming in ?" she ignored my question
"idk like 10,11" i shrugged
"ite be safe." my daddy said damn near rushing me out the hse
fs , want me to scoop?
yea ima send lo.
Reese started sharing location...
coo i'm On my way!
omw **
ian that excited.😂😂
773-264-1111scoop us.
fuck is this??
this deja.
girl.. who is us?
My sissy pooh and cane
send addy.
333 s wicker dr
Teen FictionEveryday... Same Time.. Same People.. Same Place. Nothing is ever supposed to be that perfect... so obviously it's bound to be imperfect .