Chapter 1

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(Yandream tale story)

There was two guardians one of light and kindness the other dark and kindness they where named dream and nightmare.Dream loved to play with nightmare and nightmare loved playing with dream till theses traveler's there was monsters and people there was about 100 or so of them they asked for permission to use the forest to make a temporary small village nightmare said no dream said yes they had an argument about this sadly to nightmare dream won saying they can make more friends and went to say yes they can stay before nightmare could come back with a good reason and so they made the village it took a month and winter is coming soon luckily for dream and nightmare the cold went right through them  this is because they haven't the need to fuse or eat an apple yet to protect the tree they both know to only eat an apple if there in danger or something is about to happen to the other like there going to die or are seriously injured they have it for only this reason because of the possibility of something can go severely wrong cause the power of those apples they fear they can both feel the powerful negative and positive power radiatoring off of them 

(Years later)

Dream has made tons of new friends the village people are still anxious around nightmare but they gave him a chance and he made some friends too but some of them are jealous the connection they have with dream then one day dream came to nightmare saying he liked someone like more then friends nightmare was shocked and sadden by this so fear of losing his brother he ate the dark apples then force feed dream two when he was done nightmare didn't notice the other terrifying look on dreams face he then killed the village people and monsters dream can only watch in shock and confusion then he got up and yelled NIGHTMARE STOP  THIS NOW he said this  then drew a bow?..he didn't think much on this however and shot it but missed nightmare noticed this however and filled with rage and so much power due to the negative apples and the negative emotions around him he couldn't control the two next actions he did all he saw when he regained control was a statue and a stump then he left hoping someday that statue come back to life so then he could  apologize and get HIS dream to love HIM and BE M.I.N.E 


Dream awoken he looked around then cried of anguish and sorrow of losing everything and losing his formal lover a dragon monster named Fred then a glowing thing appeared with black surrounding it 


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INK said sorry about scaring dream then blue skulls  ink over scaring dream 

(Present day)

This universe dream pov-

"Ughhh nightmare got me now I gotta stay in the prison till ink comes but he might not cause error been clingy and blue got kidnapped by dust for some reason so I might be alone on this one how did it end up like this me blue and ink where always nice and kind to everyone heck even our enemies nightmares gang and error before they heated us and  who am i kidding now I don't even know the gang and even nightmare have been overly nice and loving even but no matter how many times I is ask they said that I am not allowed out saying that I might run away or something  its like this whole gang and nightmare is Yandere for me or something"

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