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If I cover the dazzling sunlight with my hand

Will it become dark?

Here initiated the dawn of a fight. Weaponry was at its finest here. Numerous swords and arrows could be seen as the stars of tonight. The sun had escaped the world and the moon seized the opportunity to dominate the gloomy surroundings.

It was just a mere quarrel between the 'Devil Behind the Mask' and the 'Evermore Devil' but the most dangerous one.

Amidst the starry midnight sky, multiple pairs of red glowing eyes and black wings flaunted making a flattering sound to one's ears. Well, whoever preferred to hang-out, stare at a devil would know it after all.

Soojin's wings stood out along with Shuhua's as they were the only ones tinted with a pure white shade. 

Soojin mentally communicated with Shuhua telling her to use her abilities.

Shuhua could see the personalities of a particular entity whenever she wanted. Only thing was she had to stare at them for 10 seconds and empty her mind completely so she could get glimpses of their true colours.

And well, you could say that the Yeh family was at the topmost position in their respective species. This meant that they were the most powerful angels, with some exceptional abilities and powers compared to the rest of them.

She already knew about Soojin. But only to the extent that she knew where she stood, unknown to the backstory. 

That was a con. She couldn't speak of what she could see, otherwise the outcomes would have been disastrous. The things might- no, will go haywire even if she uttered a single word regarding it. 

So, she stared at the man because she had the opportunity to do so. She counted the seconds in her mind. 

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5- " 

"Shuhua, duck!" Ten warned her. And the big burst of energy fell onto the table destroying.

And hence, she failed. She looked around, feeling confused as there wasn't any danger of sort. The table destroyed  She side-eyed Ten with a blue glow in her eyes. Confusion, frustration, timidity words couldn't describe what she felt right now. 

It was like a limitless rollercoaster. Endless and exhausting.

Dong-san was eliminating and punching as much demons as he could. He put his all might he had. One after one, fell on the ground. To eliminate a person, you need to rip out their wings, and it was impossible to do that in the crowd of 23 people- demons, so he tried to temporarily damage them. But being a powerful devil, above all of them in status, meant that he had an upper hand in (kind of) defeating them.

It wasn't long ago when almost all of them were disarmed. 

It felt as if they were acting. The demons fell onto the ground lifelessly. 

Only Ten, Soyeon and Soojin were left. 

Although it was now a match of 3 versus 1, Soojin and Soyeon weren't worried at all. She held a calm expression visage with a slight smirk. Ten held an expression of relief.

Soojin and Soyeon exchanged glances protecting Shuhua. 

Ten was a sword master and never missed a day without a sword in his bag. Or atleast, a pocket knife. Maybe even a dagger.

Pretty absurd for a demon doing the right thing maybe? 

He erected a sword out of then air. The minimal debris of the sword started to revive again. Ten admired it with a sparkle in his eyes and pointed it towards Dong-san. 

"Surrender." Soojin said while strangling the guy into a headlock. It was impossible to get out of a headlock by the devil. Soyeon was whispering something to Shuhua, while telling her to go away. But she said, she wouldn't leave Soojin alone.

But her eyes widened when Ten switched the direction of the sword. It's head was now pointing towards the flabbergasted girl. 

And Dong-san also summoned his sword, getting out of the headlock knocking Soojin to the ground. He pointed his sword at Soyeon. Ten and Dong-san were laughing at them now. 

Dong-san's sword cut a bit of Soyeon's hand skin. 

"Good job, son." he said to his son letting out a menacing laugh and patting his hair.

But their ecstasy halted when two guns pointed at their heads and three people advanced at them. They fell onto their knees in shock not because of what they used but about who were they.

"The evermore bitch is back! 

With a whole gang this time."

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