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You put me down and want me dead

In fact, you don't even know me that well

Present day

"The evermore bitch is back!"

"With a whole gang this time." Minnie said emotionlessly with Yuqi and Miyeon at her both of her sides as she stood in the middle. 

Ten was expecting some kind of shock on her face, but his contemplations shattered into pieces when Minnie wasn't the slightest bit shocked. 

The two swords were lying on the ground, as were all the bodies of the demons did. 

Lifeless. Or so they thought.

And we all know the reason, it was the dream of Yuqi's that made justice and veracity shadow over the world, and fall into place. Not at all flabbergasted that her friend was out to kill her, she held a smirk that once Ten had. 

Dong-san sat there in shock, for he recognized the similar face that he was terrified of, made all the fallen demons on the ground stand up, one by one. The realization hit them like a train when they got to know that all the demons were acting to be defeated. 

They all came closer laughing, as if nothing happened.

"It's over for you both." Yuqi shouted at them, not knowing why. She had a sudden urge to do it.

As the words were voiced out of her lips, Soyeon and Soojin along with Shuhua also recovered.

"You think it's over? I still have the phantoms with-"

"Yeah, about that.." Miyeon abrupted Ten with a tone that gave pissed off vibes.

"WayV, the 'phantoms', were caged by your fucking father.. They're of no use, Chittaphon." 

It was almost 3 in the morning. The devil hour was approaching. To this thought, all of Dong-san's worries washed away. How did he know? Well, he was the devil himself, he received an indication. 

"You really think you can kill us with shooting bullets? I'm immortal to remind you all." Dong-san said. "That's obviously not going to be done, you won't be able to defeat us." 

"Then, kill them already Dong-san. Or leave them be." a voice from behind said in such a low voice, which went unnoticed by everyone.. Well, almost.

"Choose one option already. I'm waiting for the show bitch." 

Shuhua snapped her head at the voice but she was unable to find its owner due to the overwhelming number of people around her. As she was standing very far from the main scene and gathering, she escaped in a discreet yet inconspicuous manner. 

"If you got the guts, do it." Minnie dropped her gun fearlessly, for she knew she wouldn't be eliminated even if she was shot a hundred times. She was like a virus after all, neither dead or alive yet both of it at the same time.

She was doing accordingly as they planned. They were a spy group since the beginning, but were not to reveal that they all knew each other, and worked as a team together. The well-known "Idle" group but unknown of who was in it. Quite a story ain't it?

Not really.

Meanwhile, Shuhua scrutinized the unforeseen resonance that still echoed in her ears. She just knew she had to chase it. Soojin sensed that her soulmate wasn't in their close proximity. Not saying anything to give it off, she remain still and her expression was unchanged.

Shuhua mentally communicated to the rest of them, while Yuqi also went away from there, in her motive.

To set WayV free. 

The phantoms weren't actually with the devil, just double-sided agents. They set the illusion in Dong-san's eyes that they were against 'idle'. Except, well as we know.. 


Everything was going according to their plan. 

Yuqi freeing WayV, 

Shuhua finding the owner of the voice,

Minnie intimidating Dong-san, 

Miyeon abrupting Ten continuously

and Soojin holding an expressionless visage as she started to hypnotize them both, without them even knowing it.

Dong-san was just waiting for the the clock to strike at 3 with his victorious menacing laugh echoing in his mind. The devil hour was nearing by the second and and he was going insane bit-by-bit. 

Everybody became aware of this fact a little too late as it accidently slipped from his mouth only a second to 3 am.

As the clock struck at 3, the world paused. 

Only a shadow slowly making his appearance was in motion. The person who was the cause of it let out an ephemeral sigh as he glanced over his watch as it halted at exactly 3:00.00 am.  

It felt as if time had stopped. 

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hehe =) 

y'all this is too obvious-

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