Chapter 1. first time

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ages : Charlie/18/Nick/19

Ik they're first time was when they were younger but I don't support writing cp..

like a prayer. Or maybe more like a chant. Each sound of his name was punctuated with a kiss on Charlie's skin. One on his cheek, one on his neck and one of his collar bone. They stopped and stared at each other, breathing erratic and pupils blown. The air around them seemed to crackle with electricity as they drank in the sight of the other fully naked before them for the first time. Nick broke the heated silence first, stepping towards Charlie and cupping his face in his hands. He closed the last millimetre of distance between them and kissed Charlie as if he was drinking him in. A shocked gasp escaped Charlie as he brought his arms to wrap about Nick's broad shoulders. They had made out so many times they had lost count but this kiss felt different. Sacred. Like an unspoken promise of more was being made between them. Nick began to shake slightly, nerves beginning to get the better of him. Charlie broke the kiss instantly and titled Nick's head up to look at him.

"Nick, are you okay? We don't have to do anything you're not ready for." Nick laughed weakly and brushed Charlie's nose with his own.

"Thanks for checking Char, but I'm fine, really! Just a bit nervous." Charlie chuckled and smiled so wide it nearly hurt his cheeks.

hurt his cheeks.

"I'm nervous too. We can be nervous together." Nick soothed by Charlie's words launched himself at Charlie in one of his famous hugs, crushing Charlie's body towards his. Charlie squeaked in surprise as he felt the unmistakable pressure of Nick's erection push pointedly against his hip. Nick stepped back and opened his mouth to apologise but Charlie cut him off "Don't you dare apologise for being turned on. In case you can't feel it, I'm turned on too." Nick looked down at Charlie's erection and snapped his eyes straight back up to Charlie's at lightning speed. His eyes wide, a blush bloomed across his face. Nick mellowed as he caught Charlie's lovesick expression and burst into laughter.

"Why are we like this?!" Charlie joined in with the laughter, relieved that even in this unknown territory they were still very much the Nick and Charlie they had always been. Charlie shook his head fondly and stepped up to Nick and kissed him, wanting to bring the sultry mood back.

As they relaxed into the practised rhythm they were used to, Charlie pulled away breathlessly and said, "Let's move over to the bed." Nick's mouth dropped open slightly. Words escaped him so he simply nodded and let himself be led over to the bed. The Music sign above Charlie's bed twinkled, a very welcome reminder to the nervous boys that they were somewhere familiar, somewhere safe. Charlie lay back and beckoned Nick over with a trembling finger. Nick gently draped his body over Charlie's, as if he was scared he would crush him in a flash. Charlie rolled his eyes and pushed Nick closer to him.

"You can put your weight on me, I won't break." Nick smiled fondly, panic leaving his eyes. "Plus, I want to feel you. All of you" Nick gulped at the sultry tone of Charlie's voice as the implication of words sunk into his frazzled brain. Nick nodded and let the full weight of his body settle onto Charlie's. He planted his hands on either side of Charlie's face. They both groaned as their bodies meshed together, the skin-on-skin contact providing the friction they both so desperately craved. Charlie thrust up experimentally and a rush of satisfaction flitted through him at the moan that was ripped from Nick's throat.

"Charlie Spring you will be the death of me," Nick said breathlessly, his blown iris swallowing up his brown eyes. Charlie smirked up at him and retorted, "Well, there are worse ways to die" Charlie thrust up again harder this time. Sparks erupted under their skin everywhere their bodies touched as they clumsily tried to get a rhythm. Nick met him thrust by thrust, his blonde fringe beginning to stick to his forehead with sweat. Nick bent his head down and kissed Charlie sweetly. His lips trailed a path from Charlie's lips to his neck, leaving butterfly soft kisses in their wake.

I love you," Nick said, his voice breaking as pleasure blossomed across his flushed skin. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Charlie made a noise that was in between a laugh and a sob as the pleasure soared through him.

"I love you too, you big sap" Happiness radiated off them both as they kissed, laughter and moans echoing all around them.

Nick, desperate to cum, wrapped his hand around Charlie's cock and stroked in a similar rhythm to his powerful thrusts. Charlie began to tighten around Nick's cock as Nick began to thrust in and out at a brutal pace. Nick's slipping resolve began to crumble as he looked at the blissed-out expression of his soulmate. With one more strong thrust, Nick began to cum inside Charlie.

"Yes, cum inside me Nick. Fill me up, please!" Charlie begged as he gripped the trembling boy above him. As he watched Nick be overcome with pleasure, Charlie fell apart once more, his spasms adding to both of their orgasms. Nick collapsed on top of Charlie, breathing heavily into his neck. All they could hear was their heavy breathing gently evening out as they basked in the glow of their first time. Nick peeled himself away from Charlie's neck and pecked Charlie's swollen lips.

"I could have sworn my heart stopped for a minute there!" Nick said, untangling himself from Charlie's frame and resting his head on top of his chest.

Charlie giggled, satiated and more in love with Nick than ever before.

"Well, I'll take that as a good sign then!"

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