Chapter 11

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Even though images and feelings from the horrible dream forced their way into Evelyn's mind off and on throughout the day, it could do little to dampen her mood. Jessica went home soon after the incident and didn't return, and her friends avoided both herself ad Brandon like they were the plague itself. It was one of the rare days Evelyn could actually let her guard down and not feel the constant stinging of needles in class or the sharp point of bad intentions in the hallways.

            Evelyn found Brandon after school waiting patiently for her outside. Leaning against the concrete wall that bookended the building's wide steps, his confident smile and calm demeanor were betrayed by the electric excitement she could feel coming not only from him, but also herself, flowing like invisible waves through the air as she made her way around crowds of students. Evelyn had felt sensations like that before, either from boys who had felt that way about her or from herself towards another, but she had always fought against allowing those feelings to develop further than a small crush. Every time it happened Evelyn would either avoid the person completely until she or they moved on, or forced herself to be so nasty to them that they simply didn't want to speak to her again.

It was nothing personal really, just her own insecurities. Always fearful of being sent away to a different town or family, the potential growth of those feelings, especially within herself, was a risk she had never considered taking. At least until now. For the first time she could remember, not only were those same seeds of emotion growing within herself a welcome emotion, but she finally felt confident enough in her future to take a few risks.

More than she had already risked, that was. As far as Evelyn was concerned, letting Brandon into her hidden life and secrets was as dangerous a move as she had ever made.

Doing her best to appear smug, Evelyn cocked an eyebrow at him as she leaned against the wall a couple steps above Brandon. "And here I thought we didn't have plans until this weekend? What, seeing me both this morning and in class today wasn't enough?"

"Now I do believe it was you who told me that we have plans anytime I wanted," he replied, trying pretty successfully to match Evelyn's smug tone, "I'm just here to take you up on that offer. Got a few hours to kill and seeing as you offered up your time to the alter of my whims, I thought I'd treat you."

Evelyn laughed, "Treat me to what, exactly?"

Brandon smiled and jumped up to Evelyn's step, throwing one arm around her shoulders while dramatically waving his other hand in the direction of a couple diners and coffee shops across the street. "Absolutely anything you want! Coffee, food, the world is our oyster and the sky is the limit! As long as that sky is within walking distance and the oyster no more than nine dollars and seventy three cents."

Evelyn laughed even harder, allowing Brandon to lead her down the steps. "Wow, big spender! It's like a fairy tale, all my dreams coming true!"

"I know, it's a bit overwhelming," Brandon quipped, "but have no fear, you shall become used to such extravagance!"

"As long as that extravagance doesn't fill me up or make me late for dinner. Becca, I mean my mom, can get pretty upset when I come home full after she's already cooked dinner."

Brandon nodded, "Got ya, coffee it is!"

As they made their way to the nearest of the coffee shops Evelyn pulled herself out of Brandon's arm but allowed him to take her hand, feeling better at that moment than she had for a long time. She was surprisingly comfortable with him, more comfortable than she had been with anyone other than her parents or Tina. There was no sense of hidden agendas within his emotions, no underlying fears or apprehensions. And that's with him knowing what he did about her. It was a refreshing change of pace, one that Evelyn had longed for.

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