Early morning wakeup

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"Oh, Zirr!~ I made you some coffee!" The large man got out of bed, frustrated. The annoying vampire who had taken a liking to him refused to leave and constantly showered him with adoring comments and remarks. It sickened Zir right to his stomach and throat. The annoyingness of the parasite made him want to slap 'it'. Zir was contemplating it at that very moment. But he wouldn't. For now. "Zir!" The vampire shrieked again, the sweetness in his voice giving the large man a headache.

Zir was tall and muscular, but he wasn't terrifying. He had toffee-colored hair and green eyes, so green they looked like a magical swamp. Zir would've worn a half-unbuttoned shirt, which made the vampire throw a tantrum. If it weren't for the fact he'd groggily woken from his slumber, to the credit of the vampire. Speaking of him...

...A tall, thin figure burst through the door. He wore a Persian green suit shirt with black trousers. He wore boots with heels, but not so high he couldn't run in them. His hair was a brunette with a bow that matched his suit. His long, wavy hair was pulled into a clean ponytail. His whole outfit was put together. Zir would never admit it, but he thought the vampire looked clean.

"Octavian, I said not to wake me up so early.." Zir grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"My dear, every moment you spend asleep is a moment you will never get back." Zir rolled his eyes. Octavian could be so annoying.

"Are you still ill?" Octavian asked, gently putting the back of his hand on Zir's forehead.

"Don't touch me." The vampire pulled his hand back, smiling. "You're obnoxious," Zir mumbled, yet Octavian simply sat down on Zir's bed.

"I don't like it when you're ill. It makes me worry for you, my darling." Zir started to say something but stopped himself. He thought, 'Why is he making me coffee at 11:58 AM..." Nonetheless, he took it. To make Octavian stop moping around. Or that's what he told himself... "Why do you try so hard, man... You're like a lost puppy."

"Me? Lost puppy?" Octavian chuckled, standing up and putting his hands on his hips. "Please, you'd be a mess without me."

"So what?"

"So, you're dependent on me."

Zir scoffed. "You're dependent on me! You sat on my porch for 2 days when I kicked you out... Like a lost puppy."

"Oh, that.." Octavian played with a chocolate strand of hair next to his ear. "I was just.."

"Sure. Sure you were."

Octavian huffed and left the room. Zir didn't understand why he left, but couldn't comprehend his emotions anyway. He didn't care. With a loud grunt, he pulled himself out of bed. He stuck his arms up and yawned, almost hitting the ceiling. He looked up and groaned. Octavian had put him in his room. Again... When he was in Octavian's room, he felt like a giant. That partially being the case because Octavian's 'room' was more like a shed. He began his exit, and promptly hit his head on the doorway. "Ouch." He mumbled to himself, groggily bending down to exit correctly.

Octavian was happily walking around the house. His heels clicked against the hardwood floor, which could make Zir go insane. He hated the sound of the constant 'click-clack'.

"Jesus, do you have to walk so.. Loudly?" Zir mumbled to himself, confused at his question.

"Darling, I walk how I intend to walk."


Octavian glared at him. He rolled his eyes whenever Zir did his snarky remarks and one-liners, he would much rather endure actual ridicule rather than hear his annoying barking.

"If that is how you perceive it.." Octavian finally said, simply closing his eyes. He always tried to be proper, even if it pissed Zir off, Which it did.

"God, do you ever stop talking you vampire butler-"

"No, I do not," Octavian cut Zir off before he could finish. "And I am not a butler.." He raised an eyebrow. "I'm just English."

"Got that rich asshole accent."

Octavian simply scoffed. "The nerve.." He spoke with disdain in his voice, moving to clean up a mess Zir had made the previous night. "Must you be so vulgar with your speech?" The vampire turned his gaze to the tall man with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Only vulgar with your English breakfast ass."

Octavian rolled his eyes.. Again. This was a trademark of the vampire, along with referring to the dark-haired man as 'darling'.

"Why must you refer to me as.. "English breakfast?"

"Because you say 'bottle of water' weird." Zir liked to poke fun at Octavian, simply because he had an accent. See; the vampire was from England, only moving in with Zir recently. Zir had a slight country accent. Imagine a cowboy who didn't say his words so heavily, whose voice wasn't so grave, and who didn't sound as if his windpipe was crushed. It would be quite a sight to see on the streets, a proper Englishman and disgruntled scraps of a person. Octavian with his black Victorian-esc parasol and Zir with the ripped remains of an old band tee. The two were opposites and Zir knew it damn well, but the other man seemed to remain blissfully unaware. Be it by choice or sheer ignorance, hell if he knew.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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