Chapter 1- New year, new me..I hope.

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this is my first or second time to write so bear with me.. If you do like it that's great!

It was the beginning of a new school year and Star was now a Senior in high school. Star put on a scared yet excited smile as she dreaded this day would come.

As she walked through those black tall double doors. Star wasn't a big fan of school mostly because of her size. Star was 5'4 with long black hair that almost touched her waist, her light gray eyes made it look like she was blind. She wasn't a big fan of the uniforms that her school made them wear but it was comfortable as the shirt was a dark purple with a black tie with little stars on it, her skirt was black with a lavender purple. She had her backpack secured on her back. It was just big enough to fit her school supplies such as; Pencils, colored Pencils, markers, crayons, her text books for each subject, erasures, pens, extra paper and a three ringed binder.

Walking to her locker she opened it and put her school supplies in, grabbing only what she needed before closing it and walking to her first class of the day; History. Oh, how the girl loved History as much as she loved talking about space and the stars. "I have History with Professor Robin...which should be in room 108" Star mumbles walking to her first class.

On the way to the girls history class she bumps into someone dropping her things. They were about her age and were taller than her by an inch or two. Star scrambles to pick up her things as she looks at the mysterious person. "Oh my, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going.." the gray eyed girl apologized, when she looked up the person had two different colored eyes one was a baby green and the other was a silver gray. Their uniform was just like hers but it didn't have a skirt. Their hair was short and puffy golden blonde where part of it was covering his right eye, there was a dragon fruit pink tips at the bottom of his hair.

Star was silent for a few moments, as she blinked. "I, uh, who are you? I mean what's your name?" Star spoke, skittishly. Max was silent for a second, before responding, "N-No worries! Y-You're fine! I'm uhh..Max!" Star nods, before getting off the ground. "I should uh, g-get going, I have history in a few minutes.." Star says or mumbles.

Max's eye twitched a bit, but Star couldn't see, "O-Oh! I have! B-Bye..!!" Star waves one last time before turning and walking to her History class.

As soon as the girl entered the classroom everybody was silent. Star takes a deep breath and sits on an empty desk near the window where the cherry blossom trees swayed with the wind.

The bell soon rang and everyone was in their respective seats and then the History teacher; Robin, walked in, looking his hot and sexy self. He had on a white T-shirt with a brown long sleeved coat, with gray dress pants with a belt around his waist, and his shoes were nice black dress shoes. With him was a chocolate brown satchel/book bag, his hair was black and at medium length part of it was covering his dark chocolate like eyes. He stood tall and proud in front of the class. He then cleared his throat. "Alright class, settle down. We're going to start our first lesson on the Victorian era." His tone was calm and collected but also showed authority. Star loved history and was also ready to learn.

A few minutes later and half the students have or are close to falling asleep, besides Star who is taking notes with a happy smile.


The bell rang, waking everyone who was asleep up. Packing all their things they rushed out the door to their second class of the day. Star was the last one out, she checked her paper schedule and she had math with Professor Mark who was a strict teacher that nobody liked.

Star on the way to math got shoved in a locker specifically hers "Have fun Loser haha" Yoongi said walking away laughing, Star banged on her locker door pleading to be let out. "This is not how I wanted this day to go.." the teen mumbled. 

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