The Crescent Poetry

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As nights little admirer i to stay up late at night and quench the thirst of these eyes adept to broken sleep schedule. Where they don't rest until they have filled themselves with the beauty of the sky till the brim even over it .And let it all flood over my semi conscious soul and make it feel an overwhelming presence of an unheard poetry in the night sky.A poetry which is as dark and deep as the night it self and is a mirror of emotions inside .It even shows the  emotions hidden too deep in the heart the we little souls forget we even had. And the poetry it tells is different for every soul ,every situation and and every night the poetry changes as if its a phase of moon that was destined to change .
  As i admire the nights beauty very often i have read many poetries through the stars that seem ordinary to many eyes . I will try to tell as many of them i can in these few sheets of paper.
"The crescent moon tonight , Seems like a beautiful scar" .thats the thought that comes to my mind whenever is see the moon just after two consecutive moonless nights .The moon looks as beautiful as always but it looks like a frown on a face thats been hurt. "Different from the galactic stars, It seemed too deep for some celestial arc "the deep arc that it makes feels too different and distant from the stars the shine not glimmer as it dose the gleam in the
celestial arc seems to tell a story .A story so deep that the curve deepens just by reliving it
the the stars also noticed but did not live as the moo। did . "The story of the moon and earth" lets talk about it some other day . "An arc caused by edgy words ,That pierced to deep in this abyss , words of someone familiar,
As the night is to stars."  The that the moon shows looks like that its caused by a edgy sword a sharp sword of words . Words that cut too deep in the abyss between  the valley of stars , words do often cut deep deeper than any knife made.And words of someone familiar cut even deeper than that some on as familiar as the stars to the night that come together when the day loses its light"But Stars are not eternal ,They leave when the sun hits the hour
,And thats when it feel like ,The crescent moon
,Is a beautiful scar" . but the stars do not seem immortal they leave when the sun ray reach our sight and leave this crescent moon alone too fade slowly in the morning light.and yet another night comes and it feels like that . "The crescent moon is a beautiful scar of the night"

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