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Thanks"kata John Telly"

Claford pun menuang wiski dalam dua cawan

Miss, this your drink"kata John Telly"

Thanks"kata Melisa Thomson"

Molly pun datang ke arah Melisa bersama seorang lelaki

Hey Melisa. Where guy with you" tanya Molly Thomson"

Hey bad guy and this man saved me" jawab Melisa Thomson"

What happen"tanya Molly Thomson"

He and his friend want rape me" jawab Melisa Thomson"

Oh I forget. This Mason Blank"kata Molly Thomson"

Oh Hi. My name Melisa and I her big sister"kata Melisa Thomson"

Who is your side"tanya Molly Thomson"

My name John Telly"jawab John Telly"

He is son of the owner this club"kata Melisa Thomson"

And one more thing is Mason is my little brother"kata John Telly"

What"kata Molly Thomson"

Wow we find siblings"kata Melisa Thomson"

John I see you already have girlfriend"kata Molly Thomson"

He dont have girlfriend but he already married"kata Mason Blank"

Wait I want ask you two, why your back name not same but you two are siblings"kata Melisa Thomson"

My mother died and my father married Mason mother"kata John Telly"

You say Telly is your mother family name side"tanya Melisa Thomson"

Yes"jawab John Telly"

Mason you have girlfriend"tanya Melisa Thomson"

Oh I already have beyonce and married end of this year"jawab Mason Blank"

Why you with my sister"tanya Melisa Thomson"

Oh she want me help find you because she lost"jawab Mason Blank"

We want ask you two. Why you two want find a future husband"tanya Mason Blank"

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