Chapter 2

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I went to the nearest bar , the bartender looked a bit young ( perhaps 18 or so) and i asked for a shot.

"One shot of tequila," I demanded

"Aren't you a bit young to be here?" Asked the bartender

"Aren't you a bit young to be working here?" I replied with a sharp, loud voice.

"Ok fine, sheesh," the bartender gave me a shot.

I took the shot in one gulp and exited the bar without hesitation.

I went to the nearest supermarket and entered.
I got a bottle of Gatorade and a cookie and slowly walked out of the supermarket.

"Hey you kid!" Shouted the seller.

I looked up to him , death staring him.. I continued to walk out of the store. He came after me..
I came back to the store but instead of putting the stuff back I grabbed my pocket knife and stabbed him in his peepee and whispered
"if you call the police, i will stab you again.. but this time in your neck. Do you want that? No, no, no."
He was screaming from the pain he had just uncovered. I left the store, but i made sure the camera footage was deleted.

I walked away from the store feeling a rush of adrenaline and power. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I couldn't help but feel like I had gotten away with something. I walked down the street, trying to look casual, but my nerves were still on edge.

As I approached a park, I heard sirens in the distance. My stomach clenched, and I felt a surge of panic. Were the cops coming for me? Had the seller called them despite my warning?

I picked up my pace, practically running towards the park. I needed to get away, to hide out until the heat died down. But as I turned a corner, I saw a group of cops jogging towards me. They had their guns drawn, and I knew I was done for.

Without thinking, I drew my knife and lunged at them. They were caught off guard, and before they could react, I ducked beneath them and sprinted away. I could hear their shouts behind me, but I was fueled by fear and adrenaline.

I ran through the streets, dodging pedestrians and cars alike. My heart was pounding so fiercely in my chest that I could barely breathe. But I didn't stop. I couldn't afford to slow down.

Finally, after what felt like hours, my legs gave out beneath me. I collapsed onto the sidewalk, gasping for air. I was covered in sweat and panting like a dog, but finally i did lose the police. But they must be after me.. I found a clothing store in the distance and decided to steal some clothes to cover my identity.

Once i reached home, I undressed myself and hopped in the shower. The hot water washed over me, but I couldn't shake the feeling of paranoia. My mind raced with thoughts of being caught, of being thrown in jail for a crime I had committed. I couldn't afford to be caught, not now, not ever.

As I dressed in my new clothes, I made a plan. I needed to leave town, to start a new life somewhere far away from here. But first, I needed money.

I grabbed my laptop and started searching for the best ways to make quick cash. That's when I stumbled upon an article in the dark web?! It's said to kill this blonde you would get $1000 cash. Lucky, this dumb blonde was in my area! I quickly packed my bag (with my handy dandy pocket knife and my new mask).

I exited my apartment and located the girl's apartment. I knocked on the door, no one answered it.. The door was unlocked so I quietly walked in and found the tiered blonde sleeping in her couch. 'At least she'll die in her sleep' I thought. I stabbed her in the weakest part ( the neck obviously ) and looked at her as she started choking on her own blood. A bit splattered on my face but I wiped it off with my black hoodie.Job well done and now I must get the award. I made sure I took a picture of the body and went back to my apartment m grabbed my laptop and sent the photo.

The sketchy guy told me to meet him at the place I killed the blonde.. so I did and I got the cash. I went back to bed tiredly and dreamed about me and my family. I don't remember there faces .. more like they were blurred but I do remember I had a little sister (Emily) and there was my dad. I don't recall my mother in that dream... I wonder why...

 murder life (bissan kadi) QUITED Where stories live. Discover now