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/// 3rd person point of view (3rd pov)

Amanda wanted this to be a super duper surprise she wants to hide it from wooly but wooly might think it's suspicious, after all the times Amanda has murdered him, so she wanted to add hints to where they were gonna go, but she didn't have time to do that anyway, she's a child not a business man.. she had to start the new episode !!!

"hi I'm Amanda!" She waves to the camera to say hi to everyone watching the show and wooly says his hello and we get started. "today we are going on a really cool adventure!" She looks at wooly kinda creeply and wooly looks kinda disturbed "Aren't you excited wooly?" she asks like all the time, smiling, like always."of course I am Amanda but where are we going?" he replied back to Amanda "it's a Surprise but don't worry we're gonna have lots of fun!!"

Wooly looks worried.. I don't think he trusts her at all no more, Amanda and wooly go out and they walk and in the distance, they arrive at a train station and amanda forgot which one they got to go to already!

"Guys which train do we go to? I forgot.."

*she says sadly, use the clues to help you figure this out, wooly might give you a clue!!*, "it's the 5th letter of the alphabet" wooly says he knew what train but not where we were going? You think that's suspicious., You click the E train (I think.. I forgot too)

"i think you got it! Let's go!"

Amanda said and they waited for their train, while waiting though amanda gets bored!! And trust me it is hard to get a child to not get bored again so what should wooly do?

"I'm bored, the train is taking too long!!" Amanda says sadly knowing that wooly can't really do anything about it cause wooly didn't bring anything (except money & her ipad, but there was nothing to do on the ipad) cause he wasn't prepared at all.

" I'm sorry Amanda I wasn't prepared!! You never told me where we were going."

Wooly says as a reply to what Amanda said Amanda stares into his soul.. but it looks like the train distracted Amanda for a moment, she started jumping up and down, and guess what? The train is finally here!!! " The train is here!! Let's go!!!!" she grabbed woolys and and off they went on the train

woohoo I finished finally
422 words yayaayayay e

Amanda the adventurer : going to an amusement park!Where stories live. Discover now