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3rd person pov//

"I'm.. scared.." Amanda said as she started to cry "but why are you scared?" wooly said "we.. won't be there!! At the time it opens . It will close when we get there..." Wooly is just now hearing about this situation, he's shocked because they don't know how to get home because the E train will be gone then 2. "I wanna.. go to the park.." Amanda sounds like shes on the brink of going insane!! And that's bad.

"don't worry, we will find a way in there.. it might involve breaking in though.." he looks at Amanda and wooly knows what Amanda is about to say.. "what is breaking in?" wooly prepares himself for what he is about to say to a kind of innocent child... "It's basically to enter something (such as a building or computer system) without consent or by force" wooly was out of breath after saying that.. but they got to the last stop..

and Amanda found something.. horrifying.. and she didn't want to say anything to wooly.. so she started to get up and tried to move away from whatever was following her.. "Amanda? What's wrong" wooly said curiously "I see something following me.." Amanda said back.. she started to hit the end of the train, and when she did. The thing INFRONT of her tried to touch her.. that's when she screamed "AAAHHHH!" and was about to go insane crazy right? Yeah I know but before she could go insane over the thing touching her wooly came over and assured her.. "calm down Amanda you are just hallucinating."

Wooly said, he didn't see anything following her.. but wooly had to make sure she doesn't do it again, so he slowly grabs her bookbag and starts looking for her hallucination medicine, and once he finally finds it.. Amanda was gone. And the train stopped, in fact he was the only one on the train. The sheep got up and started to look for Amanda, but the thing is that there is no trace of her.. she's gone.. he needed to do something so he quickly pulled out his phone that he forgot he brought.. and called 911

911 CALL 3RD POV ///

"911, what's your emergency."

"Hello? Hello? Yeah I need help.. I was babysitting a kid . She's missing now."

"When did the kid go missing and why were you guys outside without the parents permission?"

"Amanda ###### is her name.. she went missing a few minutes ago, I have been looking all over."

" And the last question?"

"wym without parents permission ?? I asked her parents!!"

"okay man, no need to go crazy.. but you can't file a missing person report now, wait 24 hours."

"Are you fucking serious."

END OF 911 CALL ///

he just lost Amanda. And he was her only hope but he didn't know that because the police won't help him, because you gotta wait 24 hours.. no place to stay, E train unavailable and next to the amusement park with no communication and the bag with the money for it was gone.... What should he do now?

DONE!! ///


Amanda the adventurer : going to an amusement park!Where stories live. Discover now