Reunited, and it feels so good

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A/N: Here is the last part of this 2-part one shot. Just a cute Stellaride reunion with some Stellaride smut, and a happy ending.

Stella was beaming with happiness as she smiled, looking out the cab window. Alabama does have some beautiful scenery. The dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly on her as she stepped out of the cab. She paid the driver, and he gave her the bags. She wasn't supposed to be here until tomorrow. But truth be told, she couldn't wait another day to see her husband. She walked into the hotel and up to the front desk.

"Mrs. Severide." The young blonde behind the desk said as she noticed Stella.

"Hey Linda," Stella said as the girl hugged her. Stella met Linda when she first came to see Kelly a little while back.

"Your husband told me you weren't coming till tomorrow."

"I wanted to surprise him."

"Oh, you definitely will, Stella. That man misses you so much. I'm pretty sure the whole hotel staff knows how much he misses you. "

Stella's smile got brighter; she needed to hear that. That made her feel so much better.

"Let me get you his room key card," Linda said as she went back behind the desk. "Here you go." She tells her, handing her the blue card.

"Thank you."

"I'm pretty sure he's still up there; I haven't seen him leave yet."

"Good," Stella replied. As she headed to the elevator. This was going to be a great surprise for him, she couldn't wait to see his face.

Kelly got out of the shower and dried off. He wrapped his towel around his waist. He walks out of the bathroom. He picks up his phone and sighs. It's a little after eleven, and it feels like the day is going to drag on. Because he's so excited to see his wife tomorrow to touch her, to kiss her, and to make love to her. He just wants her in his arms as soon as possible.

He pulled out some clothes to put on as he was putting his deodorant on. He hears his door unlocked, thinking it was housekeeping. "I'm good, no housekeeping today." He yells over his shoulder, not even looking at the door.

Stella walks into the room, his back was to her; he has nothing on but a white towel wrapped around his waist. She bits her lip as she feels herself getting wet instantly. She puts her bags down and swallows hard. She needs to compose herself. She wants to run, jump on his back, and pull that towel off him. She closed her eyes for just a second; her nipples were even harder. She's literally on fire, and he hasn't even looked at her yet. The effect this man has on her is unlike anything she has ever experienced in her life. Damn, she's one lucky woman.

"Well, damn, is this how you reward the housekeepers around here?" Her delightful voice echoed through the room.

Her voice sent a shiver through his body; he knows that voice, and he loves that voice. He turns around, and he swears he is hallucinating. His beautiful wife is standing there in a strapless short Carolina blue summer dress that showed off her amazing legs, and she had on a pair of sexy black pumps. Damn, his wife is insanely hot. Her curls were framing her face beautifully, and her soft pink lips curved into a sexy grin. Her brown chocolate eyes were filled with desire for him. His dick went fully erect as he took in every curve of her body.

Stella's heartbeat increased as their eyes locked. His soulful blue eyes were drinking her in, and she swallowed hard as she scanned his muscular torso, she bit her lip; damn, her husband was fine as hell. She was getting even wetter as her eyes drifted back up to his. If that's even possible.

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