Be a good agent

34 3 0

Age - 12
Nadia - 5

"sis come look" Nadia sat me on the bed and stood in the middle of the room "what am I looking at?" I asked watching as my little sister scrambled to get in position,  Nadia smiles and does a pirouette whit a bright smile "Amazing good job" I praised my little sister as she blushed "Has бабушка seen it?" I asked, Nadia tilted her head "Mama?"  she asked (grandma)

Nadia was basically raised by Melina because of the mission so she calls her Mama and called nat aunt Tasha so even tho we are sisters it's like we have different mothers which technically we do but that's besides the point

"Yea her" she shook her head no "Go show her детка"  Nadia  smiled and sprinted out of the room "DIANA" I jumped up and faced the door wear a guard stood "general draykov would like to see you"  I knew this was coming I had missed a target on my mission so I knew what was coming, taking a deep breath I got up and went towards his office

"Diana?" I paused turning towards the voice behind me "yea?" I answer looking at Yelena "Where see you going?" she asked I sighed keeping my voice as steady as possible I may not show it but I'm terrified "general draykov wants to see me" I avoided her gaze knowing that if she sees then shell know how scared I am "what for" she continued, I looked up at her meeting her eyes, she immediately caught on  "ill get Natasha we will wait till you come out" she sighed, I nodded and kept going


"Ahh there you are" Draykov smiled "so tell me about the mission" he sat down on a couch and patted the spot next to him, I went over standing next to him, he pulled me down onto the couch leaving a patch of red skin where his hand was

"Sit! you and I need to talk" I sat next to him subtly scooting as far away from him as I possibly could "so in these past 4 months you have gone on 21 assignment, In those 21 assignments you have failed 2" he scooted closer pleasing his hand on my thigh , I froze and quickly moved his hand away "look sweetheart I'm going to have to punish you and you know what that means" he snapped his fingers and two guards went over to me on stood on my left and the other on the right , harshly grabbing both my arms

"Take her to the hole I'll be there soon " he made a kisssing sound and the guards dragged me away I new better then to fight so I let them, tears began to fill my eyes knowing what was going to come

-don't cry it'll make it worse- I repeatedly said in my mind ,we passed the carts filled whit trays of weapons and other devices before they tossed me in the "hole" which was just an isolated room whit no light just a small bared window on the door

I quickly scrambled onto my feet, and stood up straight in front of the guards I knew the protocol for this so I just waited for them to start it

"недопустимо, чтобы вы провалили задание"  one of the guards spoke it  (it is unacceptable for you to fail the task), I nodded my head not looking up since they hate when we make eye contact with them "что тебе нужно быть"  the other guard asked (what do you need to be)       "хороший агент" I answer (a good agent) "да и хорошие агенты не подводят хорошие агенты следуют правилам" the first guard stated (yes and good agents don't fail good agents follow the rules) " что делают хорошие агенты"  the second guard asked (what do good agents do?)

"хорошие агенты не подводят хорошие агенты не нарушают правил хорошие агенты делают то, что им говорят" i recited since they made us repeat this every class so I knew it by memory ( good agents don't fail good agents don't break the rules good agents do what they're told)

"хорошая девочка" I heard a third voice say (good girl) the guards made way for draykov to enter , I took a deep breath in preparation of what's to come and watched as he entered the room

The guards closed the door once he enters the room and disappears Into the hallway "Let's have some fun shall we" Once I was sure he didn't have any weapons on him I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding since he couldn't harm me

That was when I got the horrible realization of what he was going to do "Your ceremony isn't for a while but that doesn't mean we still can't have fun" he whispered handing me a pill "Take it" he demanded so I did as I was told

"Good" he walked closer as I instinctively walked back until I couldn't anymore , whit my back against the wall I watched as he got closer and closer


"Stop, please" I begged

"Shut it be a good agent"

He placed a hand over my mouth to muffle my cries for help, tears rolled down my face even though I tried extremely hard to stop them from falling , I need to get out of here I thought a thousand thoughts ran trough my mind but only a few stood out

I need to get out of here
I need to get Nadia out of here
What if he tries doing this to her
I need to leave what if they do this to Mama or Aunt Lena or Melina

I looked at the ceiling trying to not focus on what was happening but that seem to anger him he grabbed my face and made me look at him "You pay attention to me" he growled I nodded and watched as he did as he pleased not caring about a thing "please" I whispered "shut up" I waited  for him to finish since I couldn't move whatever was in the pill he gave me it paralyzed me I couldn't move at all it was like I was in a nightmare


Words - 1041
So new chapter

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