02. Delightfully Golden

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Delightfully Golden

Play DateDelightfully Golden

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Steve thought that Aurora was simply glowing

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Steve thought that Aurora was simply glowing. She hadn't even noticed him yet, bambi eyes trailed deeply into the eyes of Nancy Wheeler, but, God, he'd noticed her the very second she'd walked through the door. A ball of light followed her, even in her heavy paint-coated dungarees and little yellow top, even with her hair pulled half up messily. In his head a heavenly melody played in time with her steps, making her even more angelic than ever before. Measly arms held her heavy art folders and English study books, and the chestnut haired boy wishes for nothing more than to take the weight off of her arms for her. Despite it all, despite his bet and despite the way that his heart pounds when he catches a glance of her golden locks, he doesn't push himself to go toward her. They haven't even as much as held hands in front of their school peers. Because the sweet girl just gets so flustered, so embarrassed at the thought that so many people would look at her. And so he stays, back pressed against his locker whilst Tommy and Carol bicker amongst themselves. He watches the way that she flicks her hair over her shoulder, with so much more confidence than when they first began to see one another. Her shoulders are set back more, not so crowded in around her. Once, she took pride in being invisible. Now, ever so slowly, her little world is expanding. Last night, her first orgasm cast a magic spell over her small frame, and pushed a golden flicker into her eyes.

That's what she was, delightfully golden.

Aurora herself felt as though she had been floating for hours. Within herself she couldn't find the guilt that her father had droned on and on about during one of his drunken monologues. The nature of sexual acts before marriage has been engraved in the inside of her brain as dirty, disgusting, shameful things. But with Steve, nothing felt dirty or shameful. He'd sounded so pretty that his moans still echoed in her head today. Good girl, that's my good little girl. 'M so fuckin' proud of you, Rory. She shivered at the thought, of Steve's breathy voice crackling through the phone, pushing her textbook into the depths of her locker.

"Okay, what the heck is going on with you?" The harshness of Nancy Wheeler's tone punched the blonde straight in the gut, her eyes widening, as though she had been caught in the middle of the act. The words came with a harsh snap of Nancy's locker door. She peered over, looking at the dark haired girl with her hands on her hips, eyes squinted towards her best friend.

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