Chapter 9-

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Bickslows POV

It took alot of energy from us but we finally managed to get this dust guy subdued, not dead by any means but Erza managed to knock him out and put seal stone cuffs around his wrists.

I sighed in relief and looked up to see how Vanna was doing... "Oh no.." i mumbled when my eyes adjusted to what i was seeing off in the distance. "Oh no! Oh no!" My babies repeated on all side of me.

"What the hell is wrong with her!" Erza yelled when her gaze followed mine.

Vanna stood on the cliff. The whites of her eyes were now a dark crimson red, her teeth had sharpened and looked almost like a mouth full of fangs.

She looked like she was in pain. i looked around at everyone I had with me, i noticed that Fried had joined us at some point. "Fried! Do you remember the master's enchantment on Vanna's sword!" I called to him, he panted to catch his breath from all the fighting "I'm sure i could recreate it!" He called back, I nodded and looked around at who else was here "Erza! Can you distract that guy while we do this?" I asked, she nodded confidently and gripped her sword.

"Laxus. Come with me and Fried." I stated and we all took off after her.

"Her power is overwhelming! She'll kill him before we get there!" Fried yelled as we all ran to get there in time. "Don't let her take anymore lives! She can't control it!" Laxus called and picked up his pace.

I kept my eyes on Vanna as she fought like a rabid demon, there was no stopping her speed and agility alone. Her Magic power made the air feel almost thicker, that poor guy she was fighting seemed doomed.

Just when Vanna flew infront of him and threw her dagger, Erza tackled the man to the ground. Laxus and I immediately grabbed one of her arms and held her to the ground, at the moment her skin touched our hands, she screeched in pain and steam began coming from the spots.

"Fried! Hurry!" Erza yelled, keeping the threat down though she didnt have to do much. Laxus grunted as he worked to keep Vanna down. The last time i saw this happen, she wasnt affected nearly as badly... she didnt fight it. This wasnt Vanna. This was a demon.

"She's screaming like shes in pain" laxus said in confusion, holding down her leg with his foot. I nodded and used every ounce of strength and keep her down without getting bitten or scratched.

Fried finally started the enchantment after he got ahold of the sword, it took him a moment to rewrite everything and set it in place before finally casting it.

As soon as the words were sucked into the sword, Vanna went quiet.

I shot my head downwards and stared at her, Laxus hesitantly let go of her and looked up at me "Is she okay?" He asked, I shook my head "I don't know, Man." I answered honestly, checking her pulse and feeling only a faint thumping.

Fried brought her sword over after it had returned to its normal size, I stared at the piece of steel for a moment before putting it back in its sheath and grabbing Vannas limp body and throwing her over my shoulder "Lets take the prisoners back." Laxus said, exhaustion clear in his voice.


When we all made it back to the guild hall, I rushed in and saw that the amount of wounded was high enough that they had people being treated inside the guild instead of the infirmary.

"Vanna!? Oh no! Set her down here!"Mira said frantically, running over to us and straightening out a sheet that had been placed on one of the tables, i set her down and looked around.

Porlyusica was helping a wounded Macao while Wendy worked to heal some of Max's injuries.

Everyone else worked to bandage and help whoever they could.

"What happened?" Mira asked as she removed the first layer of Vannas ripped clothing, leaving her in a black tank top and a pair of thigh length tights. The bruises and cuts on her body were small and scattered, what i noticed the most was the bruises that lined her muscles "It looks like they separated from her bone." Porlyusica said as she walked over and began examining Vanna "How many did she kill?"she asked as she took the sword from its sheath that was hooked to the belt around her pants that sat next to her. "Like three or four? Im not sure." Laxus mumbled, he seemed surprisingly worried for Vanna.

Porlyusica placed her hand on Vannas head, noting that she had a mild fever "She will be fine, bandage her up and let her get some rest." She said before walking away to tend to more gravely wounded members.

"She could have killed all of you in that state!"Mira exclaimed, angrily- her face instantly turned back to its normal softness "But im glad that you saved her." She added, causing Laxus to blush and scratch the back of his neck "it was nothin!" He muttered.

Mira grabbed a roll of bandaged and began wrapping up Vannas arms which got it the worst, she didnt dodge their attacks as much as she just took them and wasnt affected.

"Let's just let her rest and go help the others" i stated, Fried and Laxus nodded and we all went to go help clear rubble and put things back together.

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