I.N cute but DUMB ASS

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I was looking for changbin to see if his fat ass ate ALL I repeat ALL of my FUCKING sushi as I'm looking for him i hear something upstairs. I go upstairs and hear the loud ass bang in the attic. I go up in the attic and I see a box a and it's moving. " FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT!!" I yell in Korean but I was curious so I run to the box and open aaannnnndddd....... nothing is in there but a bunch of old ass tapes. " BRUH" I say in Korean but there's a note. The note reads " who ever finds these tapes it's your problem"  " well that's very suspicious.... I'ma watch em" I.N says in Korean.

Bang Chan POV
* Opens door* "I.N I'm hoooome ....." " I.N ...I.N " I scream like a lil five year old girl. where is he " oOoOoOoOhHhHhHhH I.N daddy's hoooome" I.N runs down the stars with a Big ass box in his hand " DADA" I.N says in a baby I l giggle wait " I.N what's in your hands" " a box" I.N says happyly  " no fucking shit you a sqint eye bitch " I say in Korean " what's in the box" I say I.N opens the box and pulls out a tape " I found it in the attic can we watch it " I.N says " sure " " YEAH" I.N says in Korean.

I put a tape in and play it tape plays and.....A FUCKING PORTAL OPENS and I get sucked in wooow great good for me " MY BABY " Bang Chan screams and JUMPS in like a FUCKING BAKA. Now we're both stuck the tv YEP THAT'S RIGHT YOU HEARD ME WE GOT STUCK IN THE TV " HEEELLLLPPP PLEASE ANY ONE" Bang Chan screams " we're gonna FUCKING DIIIIEEEE" I say bang falls to the ground crying like a lil bitch " ugh come here you big baby" I say in Korean I pull angst my chest and tell it's gonna be okay we'll get out of here.....I hope.

To be continued

this is funny AF I hope you liked it byyyeeee 💕💕

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