Chapter One

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        She had her feet laying on the desk in front of her, giving out a sigh "Ughhh why do I have to do homework anyways?" She said looking up at the boy standing there with his arms crossed "So you don't fail duh I already finished mine so pick up the pace" the boy said, he was wearing a black tank top with tan cargo shorts red and black sneakers with socks that end just right above his ankle "Mike, that's easy for you to say you're smart, I'm well.. I'm dumb compared to you!" She said, she was wearing a soft red crop top paired with some black jeans.

        Mike walked over to her desk and took her paper off of the desk "Lucy this is upside down" he deadpanned "I know I work better like that" she said with a grin fighting to show itself. Mike looked at her a shook his head "Not funny I'm going to call Gray and tell him we can't make it" he stared at her with a smirk slyly coming over his rested face "No he's my only ride Vianna can't drive me she's going out on a date with Nancy!" Lucy said with urgency they stared at each other for a moment before Lucy started scribbling on her paper after snatching it from Mike. Lucy slammed the paper down on the desk and jumped up and ran to the bathroom. "You ready yet Lucy? Gray's here waiting in the driveway" Gray said to the bathroom door and not even a second later the door swings open with Lucy running out "C'mon no time to waste!!" Lucy shouted on her way down the stairs.

        Gray's car was parked in their driveway and Lucy was already at Grays window talking to him by the time Mike got  to the car "Can we go already I'm trying to get their before everyone smokes all their weed" Mike said opening the back door and getting in Lucy ran to the front passenger seat and hopped in. Gray pulled out of their driveway and drove off to their destination. "Ooo finally this party can get started now that I'm here" Lucy said as she skip-walked to the front door "Maybe you can finally get a significant other huh Mike" Gray said poking Mike with his elbow.

        Lucy was in the living room singing karaoke while drinking with Gray sitting on the couch Mike had ran off to the garage to smoke weed with some people.——— "Guess who brought the good shit!!" A girl with brown hair, wearing a miniskirt with fishnets and a fishnet shirt shouted walking into the garage "what'd that be?" A dude with black hair said "Beer duh and the good shit to" she said in a matter of fact tone "If I get you to drink enough would you let me tap that?" The black haired guy said again she rolled her eyes and walked out with some people following her to get some beer.

        "Oh my gowd Ryelee your myyy fav gurl right snaow" Lucy said giving the girl a side hug "you know I'm the only bitch around that can get the good shit" Ryelee said "Yo Ryelee let me get some of that ass!" A blonde said running past Ryelee slapping her ass in the process. "What a dick!!" Lucy yelled slurring her words and almost tripping in the process, Ryelee had a hold of Lucy's arms "Careful, let me guess Gray's out?" Ryelee asked "yeah he's such a lightweight as much as he's a sweetheart" Lucy said slurring and giggling the whole time.

        Lucy had been put in the back of Gray's car and Ryelee came out of the house carrying Gray on her back and taking him to the backseat with Lucy "Lucy I'm going to get Mike don't do anything crazy ok, ok?" Lucy nodded as she started to black out. Ryelee sighing as she walks away. "Ryelee there you are you don't got a boyfriend right?" The blond from earlier said "I'm busy right now" Ryelee deadpanned "you just got to the party and haven't even drank or smoke come on loosen up" the blonde said again Ryelee pushed past him to go find Mike. "Like I was saying why would you not want to smash Lucy, the second I get her alone I'm going all in" Ryelee heard a red headed boy say without thought she had punched him in the face after getting hit the boy slammed Ryelee against the wall and punched her back all the people that where still conscious gathered around and  yelling "fight!"

        Everyone was to unbothered to want to pull the two apart "shit my piercing you dick!" Ryelee yelled after an ear retching scream, A few guys tried to pull the red head off of her but he was still in range to punch her she quickly scooted back against the wall. Mike put his arms under her's and helped her stand up "Come on we're leaving" Ryelee said walking away holding her ear Mike followed her pushing through the people. Ryelee and Mike got to the car, Mike got in the driver's seat and drove them back to his and Lucy's house

        After getting Lucy and Gray in the house Mike and Ryelee go to the bathroom "Did he really rip your piercing out?" Mike asked "Isn't my ear bleeding enough proof for you?" Ryelee asked with a giggle "Don't move to much Im trying to clean the blood" Mike said grabbing her face and turning her head to look at her ear, "It's not that bad you've already stopped bleeding...I think, what made you two fight anyway?" Mike said trying to not use an aggressive tone "He pissed me off" Ryelee deadpanned "I thought..Maybe since Lucy hangs around Gray and has you as a brother not many guys would say things like that, but I guess at any party that Lilly throws everyone invited are party people or looking for any chance to drink and shit" Ryelee continued "Oh? What'd he say?" Mike asked "Something fucked up you sure you wanna know?" She asked looking into the mirror staring at him through the mirrors reflection "I need to know, so I know why I'm beating his ass other than him pulling your piercing out" he deadpanned "He said he'd love to get her alone or something like that I can't really remember his exact words" she said now looking at him he nodded and walked out with her following "Can you drive yourself or do we gotta bring these dumbasses?" Mike asked.

        "See you" Mike said waving to Ryelee, Ryelee put up the peace sign "See you Mike" she said——— "That really happened last night at that party?!??" Vianna asked with Ryelee and Lucy nodding the second the question was asked "I'm glad I came out in middle school, men can be so disgusting" Vianna said "Sorry honey but those aren't men they're boys" a black haired nonbinary person said giving the three girls a giggle "Damn right Eric" Lucy said "Well makes sense Lucy your hot" Ryelee said "Oh?" Lucy said "You say that like your not hot Ryelee" Vianna said "let's all admit we're hot" Eric said "Do y'all think I should start telling people I have a boyfriend or something?" Lucy asked "Your only asking that so we will say 'yes you should and ask Gray to be your fake boyfriend because you like him but can't say it to his face" Vianna said "Maybe" Lucy says with her face turning pink

        "Girl gain that confidence already" Eric said making Vianna and Ryelee laugh "So true" Vianna said "Hey off topic but do you know where Mike is?" Ryelee asks "It's not completely off topic since you like him huh?" Lucy said Ryelee's face turning red "No because I need to thank him" Ryelee said "Thank him for what giving you th-" Lucy said getting cut off from Ryelee's hand's going over her mouth "Shut up no you know why" Ryelee said "Oh my god she's so red it's cute" Eric said "I'm taking pictures now and sending it to the group chat" Vianna said "Ooo I'm going to save those!" Eric said "Apparently some blonde at Lilly's party last night ran around smacking everyone's ass, Melanie said" Lucy said "I think he smacked mine" Ryelee said

        "Yeah that guy's the one who said that shit" Mike said "You sure we can't jump him?" Gray asked "No Lucy's my sister and Ryelee's my friend I got more of a reason that won't be questioned" Mike said "Okay I got my camera ready so go ahead and don't get expelled or anything" Gray said "It'll be my first strike of the year so don't worry" Mike said

        "Yeah the bitch punched me in the face what a slut am I right?" The red head asked his green haired and blonde haired friends "Who's a slut?" Mike asked "Ryelee" The red head said turning around "Weren't you the one saying shit about my sister?" Mike asked "Yeah and I'm just saying what everyone is thinking" he said "It's probably better if you don't say it, actually don't think it. You think Lucy wants you? No she doesn't" Mike said "Okay dude whatever go now before I punch you" he said "No, not until you decide to not be such a perverted bitch boy" Mike said the red head clenched his fist and punched Mike in the face and they started throwing punches at each other, the red head pushed Mikes head into the wall Mike punched him in the face before some teachers pulled them apart.

        "Good luck in the office Mikey boy" Gray said, the hallways uncrowded. Gray sent the video to the group chat: "Omg Mike got in a fight??" Vianna sent "Isn't that the pervert who fought me last night?" Ryelee sent "yeah" Gray sent "omg now I gotta yell at him later" Lucy sent "eh the guy deserved it" Gray sent "agreed" Ryelee,Vianna,Eric, and Melanie sent

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