Harely stay with me!!

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Harley POV

Currently Matt was on the ground tackled by kevin who was on top.

I just stood there not knowing what to do he punched Matt .

I ran to  Kevin to try to pry him off but he would not

let go of Matt . He punched Matt and when he brought his elbow back it hit me square in the nose and jaw. I went flying back it hurt so badly.

My head connected with the floor and almost instantly the pain exploded in head. I saw spots and splotches of black clouding my Vision until I saw completely nothing.


Kevin's POV

I felt something hit my elbow but I did not know what it was so I did not even care turning around well now my wolf ,Xavier was in control so he did not turn around.











This time I punched him so hard I think he is unconscious but I don't care.

I turn around to see Harley on the ground.


I picked her up and sprinted to the pack house and in the office of the pack doctor-not even caring about the waste of space people call Matt .

"Put her on the bed !" The doctor said worried.

Usually no one commands me around like that with out getting punished but all I cared about was Harley right now.

I gently placed her on the bed and sat on the chair closest to her bed leaning for forward with elbows on my knees I did not take my eye off of her once. Like if I did not look at her she would disappear. I mind linked Luke ,Jason and Michael to meet me in the pack doctors office .

I was gonna have them watch her while I got her a lot of presents.Even though I don't want Michael watching her I know he will main gain himself. I feel so bad I knocked mate out . I am going to get her everything she wants and more clothes . Even though she has a whole closet full of them.

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