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Harley's POV

Once he said that a smirk appeared on my face and I knew he was confused and also kind of suspicious. His over excited face turned into a frown which made me hurt inside for some reason.

"No!" He took a breath and said"no,no ,no!!"

"You don't even know what I'm going to say!"I said getting kind of angry for him to just jump to conclusions.

"Yes I do you want me to take you home to him. I'm not letting that happen. Not while im alive your never going back there."He said all seriousness in his tone.

"Fine but if you don't want a relationship with me then so be it we won't have one then."

I said with a grin. Knowing he would give in.

"NO!"he said using his alpha tone.

"AND WHY NOT!!!!???!!!"I said furious

"BECAUSE I DONT want to lose you" he Said the last words in a normal voice.

"What im going over there to break up with matt not fall in love with him again."I said with all honesty.


I know i should not have done this because i am making myself vulnerable but I'm the only thing that could calm him down.I knew he was not expecting it.

So, the next thing I did was I went to him and engulfed him into a big hug he took a minute to react but suddenly picked me up off my feet still hugging me. He let go and I fell to the ground but landed on my feet. He closed the gap between us and we were about to connect our lips but I heard whimpering outside of the door. He groaned in frustration when I took a step back and went to the door. It was Alphie ."I told you he was evil and a mutt" Kevin said clearly annoyed.

"So are you." He chuckled but i was shocked i thought he was gonna pin me against the wall again.

The light flickered out and the clock read 6:42 I was shocked i did not even notice that is was evening In a moment Kevin was at my side holding me to make sure I was safe. He clicked the ceiling fan so it was on and ignored the light that flickered out earlier. Probably just a light bulb burned out. "So we got a deal about you know you driving me to his house to break up with him". I said.

He looked as though he was thinking. "Deal"he said which left us staring into each others eyes intensely he closed the small gap between us .

Then when we were staring into each others eyes intensely three boys came into the room because the door was open from when I brought Alphie in who i currently was still holding in my arms.

The boys just stood there not sure what to do.They bowed to us "Luna ,alpha "boy number one said "this is Jason "Kevin said pointing to a guy with bright blue eyes dark black hair spiked up . Who said ' Luna ,Alpha' to us. Jason was stunning maybe even cuter then Kevin actually not really he was kind of the basic guy but was still really hot.

The second one was luke "you know Luke" Kevin said through clenched teeth.Luke just smiled innocently. Luke had light brown hair mixed with darks brown hairs with frecls which made his bright blue eyes pop out.(don't know if I already described luke). The third guy had bright emerald green eyes with beach blonde hair and was so buff I could see his absence through his tight but not to tight shirt"this is Mike" . Luke said "dinner is being served and that we should come down to eat right now it is out on the table right now" his voice was so calm it made me want to fall asleep in a good way. All of us headed downstairs but instead of me walking in Kevin's arms actually I was in Luke's arms I did not mind but Kevin did because he grabbed me by the waist and growled at Luke "MINE!"Kevin said . Once we walked to the top of the floor we were on .

I got his hands off of me and walked down the steps alone but I saw Mike was staring at my butt .i guess they like testing Kevin's buttons . What if they did not know I was Kevin's mate this would end badly Kevin tackled Mike to the ground when he whistled and said "nice ass" to me.I thought maybe they would understand that I was kevins may he when he said 'MINE!!!'

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