Prologue: Red Night

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I can not find a single mha x general grievous reader so I decided to do. Lol.

When I was young my siblings developed their superpowers or quirks as everyone calls them, not me though. I'm quirkless. Having a quirk is a good thing but those who don't have one, find that they live in a society dominated by those lucky quirk beings who think of themselves as a superior life form than us quirkless people. Guess how my life turned from then, my brothers and sisters minds were transformed by our parents to hate me as I was this inferior quirkless being to them. Yet I survived their abused, I pushed forward and worked my way to UA, making friends with Izuku another quirkless individual who somehow got a quirk which made Katsuki (our local bully) mad. Well I've narrated for two long, let's get this story started.

Your Pov

I wake up to my "mother" coming in my room with a bat (very abusive, I know) and hits my face, waking me up with a bloodied up nose.

Y/n: the hell?

Mom: you awake now piece of crap, you got some breakfast to make then you go school.

Y/n: right okay, no need to hit me with a bat

I started getting out of bed, dressed and started making my "family" their breakfast before disappearing to go to UA and if you think this was bad, wait until I get to UA. As I walk out the door and into the alley way I saw a group of thugs beating up this kid who i presume is quirkless as he has not fought back against them. So I do what any good person should, I went over there and punch one in the head, knocking him over and sending him tumbling to the floor. The others see what I had just done and let the kid go, their attention now on me.

Thug 1: (pointing to me) hey he just punched Bill!!!

Soon all the thugs were around me, they activated their quirks and rushed me. One tried punching me from the side so I turn to jump over him and land a kick on the thug beside him. I roll over and stand up when I land on the ground after landing that kick and turn to face the other thugs. One thugs hand was magma another ones body was made of electric and on another thugs back was black wings. These thugs came after you, the winged one came first so you instantly jumped up as he flew at you and landed on him when coming down. The magma thug ran at you and attempted to fight us in hand to hand combat but as we have been training to fight in martial arts, karate, Kung fu and more. We easily beat him with some burn marks here and there, the side of my face now black where he palm striked me. I look behind to see the electricity thug already shooting his beam of light at me, making me drop to the floor in pain. By now, the kid had already ran to get help and luckily I was right. He had brought my crush, Momo Yaoyorozu to help me. He probably just shouted help, a quirkless dude who saved me is getting shocked to death. I don't because I soon blacked out.

Time skip

I reawakened in a hospital bed, next to me is Momo, my saver. It feels good to be saved by someone I care about.
I reach my hand to hold hers and she starts to wake up to see me holding her hand.

Momo: Y/n are you okay?

Y/n: obviously, cough cough. What happened?

Momo: you blacked out and the electricity from that thug nearly killed you, if the doctors here weren't able to get you stable then you would be.....

Y/n: dead

Momo: yeah... my parents are coming around and I wanted you to meet them but seen as you need to recover ill let you rest.

Y/n: thank you Momo for saving me

Momo: your my friend, I would save you any day

Y/n: see ya

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