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Yoda was currently meditating in his chambers, feeling the force flow through him. A knock was on the door and it was Principal Nezu. Yoda uses the force to open the door and carries on meditating.

Yoda: good afternoon, Principal Nezu. You came to see me, why have?

Principal Nezu walks to the window and sighs, looking out at the big city his students protect.

Principal Nezu: police officers have found a body, in peices. It looks like an injury you could probably get from a lightsaber.

Yoda: The victim's identify, what is?

Principal Nezu: he is called, Daniel Allen. He was a researcher for a cybernetics company. He was nothing but a civilian working for a good cause.

Yoda: sure, are you?

Principal Nezu: we have looked over everything, his criminal record is clean.

Yoda: mmm. Send two Jedi i will to investigate this. Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker.

Principal Nezu: do you think this could of been the work of the Sith?

Yoda: back they may be. Killed Qui Gon they have. be at it again so soon, I think not.

Principal Nezu: very well then. I'll be on my way.

Principal Nezu walks out the room and goes down the hallway. The place they were in was UA. There was to sections, one for the Jedi and another for the heroes. Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi walked to Yoda's chambers.

Anakin: what could Master Yoda want?

Obi-Wan: a mission maybe? Who knows but whatever it is Anakin you must be mindful of your feelings. I can sense them--

Anakin: how many times must you tell me? I'm fine.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, I just want to make sure your okay. What is on your mind?

Anakin: ill talk to you after.

Obi-Wan: very well then my friend.

Both characters walk in and see the Grandmaster currently meditating. They had just passed Nezu on the way here so they knew whatever this is, is very important.

Yoda: a mission i have for you both. Daniel Allen, found dead he was.

Anakin: can't the police take the job, I don't understand why Jedi would need to be involved.

Yoda: his murderer used a lightsaber, only a Jedi or Sith could have done it. We know of sith return, murdered Qui Gon they did. As well as take they killed 3 Jedi.

Obi Wan: but I cut Darth Maul in half. It couldn't be him.

Anakin: then it must be another sith.

Yoda: travel to the facility you will, find and capture the Sith you will.

Obi-Wan: if that is what you wish then we will do so Master Yoda. Come on Anakin let's not waste any time.

Anakin: of course.

Both of them rushed out the door going through the corridors. They go outside the UA building to a speedster. The city was just like Coruscant. A lot of speeders in the air and what not. A lot of skyscrapers and so many quirked people. Unlike Coruscant there is still nature and wildlife outside the city and around it. Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi got in a speeder and road of towards the facility Daniel Allen had worked at.

??? Pov

??? 2: sir they are coming

??? 1: good let them come they will walk right into our trap

??? 2: but it is Anakin and Kenobi

??? 1: very well then, change of plans. Kill the hostage when they spot you.

??? 2: what about you sir?

??? 1: I'll be there but from the shadows.

Obi Wan Pov

Me and Anakin reached the facility. It was rundown and reeked of stench that could rival a sewer. Me and him entered and start exploring the many rooms. Yet there was no blood.

Anakin: so he used this place?

Obi Wan: used to. Daniel has other facilities. The murderer came here, a police drone tailed them here but lost visual after entering.

Anakin: so what are we supposed to do? Finding and capturing them isn't exactly going to be easy.

Obi Wan: we could set up a trap or---.

Then we both spot a red skinned woman in a cloak stab a man with her crimson lightsaber. The man's body sat in a pool of blood.

??? 2: about time you two jedi came. I was getting bored.

Obi Wan: um who exactly are you sith?

Me and Anakin suddenly get forced push to the ground. We look behind us and I see a figure I havent seen in a long time. Former master of Qui Gon.
Count Dooku. He had left the order not long ago.

Dooku: it has been a long time Kenobi. You must be Anakin Skywalker. I've heard a lot from you. The public admire you, you are a hero but a false one. Serving a corrupt society.

Obi wan: what would you know about heroes Dooku?

Dooku: i know Qui Gon is one.

Anakin: what would a man like you need Daniel Allen dead?

Dooku: he was giving us what we needed, so he was eradicated. His facility belongs to us.

Obi Wan: who might us be? Yku didn't exactly introduce her.

The woman takes her hood of to reveal she's actually a red Twi'lek. Not just humans live on earth and not just humans are superheroes and Jedi. There are more continents and habitats, wildlife and more.

Dooku: this is my apprentice, Darth Talon. She gets the job done swiftly and quickly.

Obi Wan: yet she was stilled tracked down by a police drone to here.

Me and Anakin get on our feet and ignite our lightsabers. Dooku ignites his. We all engage in a fierce combat. Anakin slashes at Dooku but Dooku just blocks. He counters Anakin's attacks with some of his own. With me and Darth Talon however is a different story. She was the one on the offense. Always attacking, I had no room to breathe. When I saw an opening I took it. I slashes at Talon's side but surprisingly she blocked and went on the defensive side. Dooku trained her well. Before anything else could happen. All Might broke the wall and entered in.

All Might: I am here.

Obi Wan: did Yoda or Nezu sent you to help?

All Might: Nezu did. Thinking I could be of service.

Dooku: Apprentice we need to get out of here.

Talon: yes Lord Tyranous.

Dooku: We'll be back Skywalker and Kenobi.

Dooku instantly runs away with Talon following suit but All Might jumps to Talon and punches her into a wall. Knocking her out. Dooku was already gone. Leaving his apprentice behind.
All Might picks her up.

All Might: ill take her to the force sensitive prison. Yoda and Nezu and anyone else will question her there.

Obi Wan: very well then.

With that Anakin and Obi-Wan went back to the temple. All Might went to the force sensitive prison.

Dooku Pov:

Dooku walked down the dark corridors of his property to a room where a cyborg was sleeping.

Dooku: everything has gone as planned. Rise Grievous. Your time is now.

I know it has been a while, this story deserves a chapter. I promise i will try put more out for this book. Anyway thank you for reading. Good bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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