Kingdom of Bulwark

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In the afternoon, a maid comes out from the mansion and approaches me from behind while I'm enjoying the flow of wind, the sound of a tree, and the beautiful flower, unsmiling.

"Young prince, it's time to prepare for the meeting."

"*sigh, Mis Dai Ca, didn't I tell you to just call my name when we are just alone." While turning my head to see her.

"Yes... young prince." She bows to me, and I see both of her hands in front of her body.

I'm smiling and turn my body and go inside the mansion.

"I'm sorry young prince, I can't call young prince by his real name."

"*sigh..." While passing by the maid. I wasn't mad, since my father hires 2 maids and pay them 1 gold coin. Our mansion is not that big and only looks rich and fashionable, that's the reason my father only hires 2 maids.

Inside the mansion, I'm walking to the living room which is the place for meeting my father scheduled.

In this world, we are living in two types of power. It's light power and dark power. Light power is owned by humans and dark power is owned by the demon. But one day, there's two villains with such power tries to defeat their own God. One is from the Demon side and one is from the Human side. The God with a madness quickly disabled all of their power within him and begin re-structuring the rules of our world. And we can't improve our power anymore.

Back in the day before I was born, There was a huge threat war between humans and demons. One day, in the middle of a shiny and humble atmosphere, people saw thousands of demon owls flying above the city and dropping thousands of letters. All the owls look solid and dark, with red eyes and white pupils. Inside, it's written by a high demonic class and can only be read by a priest. On the bottom of the letter, it's written "We declare war for the human race, with pride, we will conquer the human world." that is the word normal people can read. And the king of Might calls the priest to read the rest of the word, it says "Death." in demon language. As soon as people read the demon language, whoever read it will feel absolute gravity force happening to them, making people cannot stand for a breve moment until the letter burns out by itself and is gone. Which means they want to turn the world into darkness for the first time. From that day, the war keeps happening until this day. They always attack every 30 years once with a massive army, but an old king from might, the God itself who gives us the power said to not let our eyes sleep. They can attack at any moment.

There are 3 different families humans, bulwarks, roses, and might, and each family controls a different huge kingdom. And the king and queen of each family have been called 3 the grand master. However, there's one more family, and the name is Luna. But this family and the queen have to know sacrificed themself during a hundred times of war with the same threat from the demon. Every time the war begins, the Luna family uses their final power. It's been known the most powerful and only power can be weakened and push back the demon army but with the cost of their life essence. Each war cost this family their powerful person, till the last war happened 40 years ago, and the last of the Luna family was forced to use their power.

One day there's 1 high-rank demon approaching with hundreds of low-rank demons, which is quite a small amount of army. 3 of each family commanding each army to charge and fight. They accomplished killing all the low-rank demons with minimum sacrifice, but not with the last demon. The high-rank demon looks likely a human being, but the shadows have a horn with them. As soon as the last low-rank demon is slain, they retreat quickly, so quick even the faster runner and faster swordman user, the mighty family cannot catch them. Soon the 3 grandmasters realized this is just some kind of trap planned by a demon to only analyze each kingdom's power. Now everyone knows, including the demon, this kingdom has no future without Luna's family for the next war.

I roam the world as shield user and try to find a way to end this warWhere stories live. Discover now