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21 june 2014

Darcys POV

When I wake up I see my daddy still asleep and his arm around my tummy. I will let him sleep he must be tired. It is weird how yesterday I was sleeping on a dirty couch in a dirty flat and now I'm sleeping in a clean bed and a big, clean and welcoming house with my new parent. I am so lucky that Zaynie wants me. I really love him. And nana too. And papa, Safaa, Doniya and Waliyha. They are all good people but my daddy is the best.

I stay a little longer in the bed with the hope that daddy will wake up. I'm kinda shy to go by myself in the kitchen. When I see that he's not going to wake up I decide to go downstairs. I try to lift his hand. It didn't move. Ohh.. I can't move it is too strong. After another good minutes I finally 'escape' from his arm. I get down from the bed and go at the bedroom door. When I oped it I can hear daddy turning in the bed I look at his face and see that he's still asleep. He sleeps so much. After I get in the hallway I head down to the kitchen. When I was about to do more steps I see photos. So many photos. Some of my nana and papa. Another of my aunties and daddy. And some with my daddy and another four boys. Who are them?

The first one is having blonde hair and blue eyes.

The second who was standing between the first one and daddy was having a black hat, medium brown hair and green eyes. He is beautiful. I fell my checks going red.

The third is daddy. He is having a small smile on hia face.

The forth is having the shortest hair from the group. And his eyes are brown.

The last one is having blue/green eyes I can't tell from here. And his hair is brown.

I look again at the whole photo and see them having microphones? I don't pay attention and go in the kitchen.

When I get there I see Safaa, papa and nana sitting at the table. "Good morning beautiful! Zayn's still leaping?" Nana asks me. "Yes, he is!" I respond shyly. "Are you hungry?" I hear papa asking me. "Y-Yes." What is happening to my they are now my family, why I am that shy. Maybe because Zayn is not with you? I hear the voice in my head. "You don't need to be shy sweetheart. Come and sit next to me." Safaa spoke. When I sint next to auntie safaa, nana comes and kiss my cheek. "Do you want milk and cereals?" "Yes, please." Right after nama puts the bowl and the little spoon in front of me I see daddy coming im the kitchen.

Zayns POV

When I wake up I see that I'm single in the bed. I look at the time at my phone and see it's 8:54 am. It's early. I wonder at what time did Darcy wake up. I look at my notifications and see a message from Harry.


Good morning. You and
your girl are coming
today in London?

Good morning, H. Yes,
I want to come home
today. Are you tonight
free? I want you and
the boys to meet
Seen 8:56a.m.

Yes, I am. I CAN'T WAIT

I'm glad. Okay, then
see you tonight.
Seen 8:56a.m.


After that I get up from the bed and change I do my hair and go down stairs. When I get in the kitchen I see Darcys face lighting up. I melt at the sight. "Good morning!" I tell my family with a smile. I got and sit next to my baby and I kiss her head. "Good morning, baby! How dis you sleep?" I ask her while looking at her with a arm under my chin. "I-I slept good thank you." She tells me with a little smile while eating her cereals. "Do you want something honey?" Mom asks. "A little coffee mom." I tell her.

 Adopted By Zayn Malik Where stories live. Discover now