Catching feelings on the first day

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"Come on...Come on!"Eddy excitedly says to himself,staring at his classroom clock. After thirty seconds,Rrring! The bell rings. All the students at Peach Creek High rush out the school,happy that spring break has finally begun. All three Ed's meet outside their school."Well buddies,Spring break has finally begun!"Eddy says enthusiastically."So what are your plans? Partying I assume?"Edd asks."Yup. Not only that,but also trying to score some money without having to do work!"Eddy replies as Ed runs around in a circle,chasing a butterfly and giggling like a small child."You know you can't get anything in this world without a little bit of work!"Edd reminds Eddy."Well I'm going to be the first!"Eddy exclaims,pride beaming. Edd rolls his eyes,knowing his friend would figure out some point in his life. All three boys walk down the block to their cull-de-sac until some figures block their way.
They quickly figure out who the three figures were looming over them."Kankers!"Eddy says,his teeth grinding."Heya toots!"Lee,the tallest girl with unruly orange curl says,smirking through the orange curls covering her eyes."What's going on?" "None of anything to the likes of you!"Eddy spits with venom."Woah,my man got quite a fire today. How about we show them who's going to be boss this break girls?"Lee suggests to her two sisters."Of course!"they both reply. The second tallest sister,May,with blonde hair and buck teeth,walks up to Ed,smirking."How about I get a little smooch from my big Ed?"she flirts."May no good for Ed!"Ed exclaims and tries to run off,but May grabs his neck just in time. She lowers his head to her and starts smooching all over his face."No!"he shouts and struggles against the blonde girl's force. Meanwhile,the shortest,but second oldest sister with blue hair and a fire attitude,Marie,is trying to seduce Edd."So honey,you ready to be my man all break?!"she asks,a devilish smile on her face. Edd sweats nervously,and tries to back up,but Marie keeps stepping after him. Finally she has him back into a corner."How about we spend the day together,my love?"she asks. Before Edd can reply,Marie is giving him kisses all over his face,has him into a tight lock where he can't run,and has a blindfold over his eyes."Girls,how about we spend the day with our men? Just to let them know who their girls are?"Lee asks while backing Eddy into a tight grip."Sounds like a plan to me!"Marie calls out to her sisters. All girls then run separate ways,dragging the helpless boys with them.
Marie finally decides to stop by a large tree on top of a hill nearby the cull-de-sac."W-where am I?"Edd asks nervously and visibly shaking."Oh don't worry my love,I won't hurt you."Marie says,ignoring his question. She slowly takes the blindfold off his eyes and lays his head down in her lap. His eyes are still shut tight and she can feel his tenseness."Why so tense?Why are you afraid of me?"Marie asks him. Edd,or also known as Double D,opens his eyes slowly and looks at his surroundings. He then looks Marie in the eyes."Well to be truthfully honest,you intimidate me."he replies. To most girls this would shock them,but not Marie,she knew Double D. Double D was at six feet tall and stronger than he thought,but he was a gentle giant. Marie always knew this,so it didn't scare her to do what she wanted to him."Well you shouldn't be. Sure I antagonize you a lot,but I would never purposely hurt you."Marie says softly,stroking his hair. Double D was taken aback at her gentle attitude,but didn't say anything not wanting to ruin it.'Maybe being trapped here,or ever being around Marie,wouldn't be so bad if she was always calm and collected like this..'Double D thought. Before he knows it,Marie is on top of him,her bottom on his crotch. He blushes red."M-Marie,maybe we c-could sit in a different position?"Double D suggests."Why?"Marie asks innocently,knowing full and well why. She moves her bottom more.Double D blushes beet red and coves his face with his hat."Please?!"he pleads,his voice raising. Marie finally stops teasing him,kisses his neck and gets up."You're such a goodie-goodie."Marie says. He sits up on his elbow and looks at her."I like it."she grins. Broth teenagers spend the day on that hill until Marie's sisters come and tell her that their mother needed her to come. With a heavy sigh,she gets up,leaving Double D to stare at her as she walked down the hill until she was out of sight.
Thoughts of Marie buzz in Double D's mind all the way up to his bedroom. He carefully puts his pajamas on,gets in his bed,and lays on his back;mind still on the blue-haired girl.'Marie is a pretty nice girl if she stayed laid back like that most of the time. Wait,how could I actually think I have feelings for her?! I mean,she's Marie Kanker. The girl who has tormented me most of my young life. I wear neckties and she wears chokers. I like light colors,and she loves black. Romance gets me nervous,and she's extremely sexual. There's no way we would get along. Is there?' Sleep eventually creeps up on him and he sleeps under his warm yellow cover,reserving his thoughts for the next day.
Author's notes:
Yes,I got into another show and another couple. I know I don't need this,but I REALLY needed to do this. Anyway,on the bright side, my iPad finally works again! So I'll be writing a lot more. Especially since school ended yesterday. So like,comment,follow,and get ready for more stories to come! ~Brooklyndiva02 P.s. DOUBLE D x MARIE FORVER!!!

EddxMarie: A memorable spring breakWhere stories live. Discover now