An eventful day

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The next morning, Double D wakes up and gets ready for his day. He showers, gets dressed,packs his bag, and waits for the clock to hit one. As he waits, he wonder what Marie could possibly have planned." Then a major thought hits him. 'Is this a date?' After that, a sudden wave of thoughts hit.'Is this a date? Are you really hanging out with Marie Kanker like this? Do you really like her?' Before panicking, Double D pushes those thoughts to the back of his head for another time. He leaves out ten minutes before one and walks happily along his way.
He arrives at the top of the hill right on the dot and waits five minutes until Marie comes."Hey sorry I'm a bit late. My sisters are so annoying!"she smiles and catches her breath. "Well, you ready?"she asks. Double D nods and walks next to her. They walk in silence for a bit, nervous to really talk about anything. When they finally go deeper into the worlds, Marie strikes up a conversation."So have you been enjoying your spring break so far?" Double D thinks for a second. "Yea, it's been pretty good. What about you?" He replies. "Oh I'm just hanging in there."she replies and starts to walk faster ahead."Hey, wait up!"He calls after her and speeds up."You wanna talk about to?" Marie ignores him and continues to walk."Huh?"he asks louder. Just as he's about to touch her shoulder she spins around. "No Double D, I would not like to talk about it."she answers rudely."I'm sorry."he says and looks down while walking. Marie soon starts to feel bad and sighs."I'm sorry...Double D. It's just that I'd rather not speak about that right now."She apologizes. He looks into her eyes and sees that she's being honest. "Okay. I'm still sorry too." He says. Both teens smile and continue their walk.
They soon venture out of the woods into a nearby city. "Hey,"Double D starts while looking around."Why didn't we just take the bus?"he asks. Mari turns to him."Because, it's too much and why not enjoy walking? You get to see everything from a different perspective."she answers. Double D nods his head in agreement and smiles. He continues to follow behind her, deeper into the city.
"Isn't the capital just great?!"she smiles and exclaims out of nowhere. She's breathes in the air of the city."Yes, I suppose so. Where are we going anyway?" Double D asks."You'll see."Marie replies and keeps walking until they reach an abandoned building. She knocks on the from door five times and a sketchy man who looked to be in his forties cracked the door open a bit. "Who is it?! What's the code word?!"he asks in an annoyed tone. "The word is 'blue sky' and don't speak to me in that tone because I know exactly who you are, Tony, and I can get you fired!"She snaps. The mans eyes widen."A-are you Marie?"he asks. She crosses her arms and smirks."The one and only." The man then slams the door open and moves out the way to let both teens in."Please forgive me, I am terribly sorry for being an inconvenience!"he stutters while visibly shaking."No problem, toots!"Marie shoots back, on her way in. Double D follows her upstairs into a dark hallway and sees a large brown wood door."Where are we?!"he whispers again, becoming worried. Marie sticks a finger in the air, notifying him to be quiet. She turns the doorknob slowly and busts it open to see a huge party."We're at a party!" She exclaims and drags Double D into the room, slamming the door shut.
The inside of the building was nothing like the outside. The outside looked old and abandoned, as if nobody wanted anything to do with it. But the inside, wow was it a sight! It was built with sound-proof walls, and had expensive penthouse furniture. Colorful lights flashed throughout the large room, and there was even a bar. After greeting many people, Marie's attention finally shifted to Double D. "I know you're probably very confused right now, and unfortunately for you, you're going to stay this way for the whole day. I suggest that you just enjoy your time with me, because all this isn't going to last!" She shouts over the booming music and begins to dance. "But Marie, we shouldn't be here! There is a bar with alcoholic drinks and more than half the people here are underage and drunk! Is this building even supposed to be used right now? Doesn't it belong to the city?!" Marie spins towards Double D and puts her hand over his mouth. "Shh, just get loose and have fun!"she whispers in his ear seductively. His face turns red and he gets goose bumps all over. "O-okay.."he says low, but Marie hears it. She smiles and both teens begin to mingle, dance, and have fun.
Only two hours into the party, and police bust down the door in which the teens came in through."EVERYBODY GET DOWN. YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST!!" All the cops exclaim. After four seconds of everyone being shocked, the party turns into a rampage with teens and adults running around screaming, music blasting, gun shots, and people being attacked by police officers."Oh no, oh no, oh no!"Marie shouts, dragging a shocked Double D with her. "We cannot get arrested! There's no way out, everyone is crowded around the balcony and all the windows are boarded up!" With tears in her eyes, she luckily sees a hammer and a baseball bat and uses the hammer to pry open the window."Help me Double D!"she screams while he just stands shocked and whispering to himself "I told you, we shouldn't have done this..." Finally after being hit in the head on accident by a cop's elbow, he comes to him senses and helps Marie finally get the boards of the window. Marie swings the bat and breaks the glass, some cutting her arm. She winces in pain, and both teens start to climb out the window. "Wait Marie! We're in the third story and there is no fire escape! How are we gonna get down?!" He panics. "Don't panic! Just follow me!" Marie looks down below, knowing there was only one way out of this situation. She turns to Double D and says"Double D, I know I said I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, and I promise I never will. But we're gonna have to jump!"she shouts."What?!"he exclaims with fear. Marie looks behind him and panics."JUUMP!"she screams and jumps, dragging him down and just in time, a cop grabs Double D by his collar."DOUBLE D!"She screams once again and yanks on him as she falls. He slips out the cop's grasp and both teens fall down below, to the concrete ground.
They land with a thump and groan. Unfortunately, Marie landed right on her hip. Both teens get up aching, and start to limp off."Are you okay?"Double D asks."Yea..."Marie answers and stays quiet. After a minute of silence, Marie bursts into a fit of laughter. Double D jumps and asks her what's the problem."I-it's just that, I can't b-believe that just happened! I mean, I made you jump out a window!" She explains between her laughter."Oh.."he starts."I suppose that is funny."he giggles. Both teens continue to laugh until they reach a small diner."Where are we going now Marie?"he asks."Let's just check up on ourselves in the bathroom and grab a bite."she answers and Double D agrees. An hour later, both teens leave the diner."Follow me!" Marie says and begins to run off, but her injured hip stops her. She nearly falls to the ground, but Double D ran up behind her and caught her in time. His arms were wrapped around her waist, with her knees almost giving out. After she regains her posture, Marie backs off and both teens blush. "S-sorry."Double D mumbles."Don't be. You just tried to help."she says while dusting herself off. He nods and follows behind her.
They then reach a small beach with hotels by a port. "Why are we here?"he asks confused."They have a jacuzzi here."Marie answers and a evil smiles crosses her face. She begins to speed-walk towards the back of a pink hotel, and proceeds to pull the glass door open. Double D reads the signs hanging up in the indoor pool area, and one reads "Pool closed. Open from 10:00am to 6:00 pm." He looks down at his watch for it to read 6:15."Marie!"he starts."We have to go! This pool closes at 6:00!"he whisper-shouts."Well, I came all they way here,"she starts and begins to take off her jacket and pants."so I'm going to go for my damn swim!"she shouts back and laughs, starting to strip down more. Double D covers both his eyes with his hands and hides behind a brick wall within the area."Oh dear!"he exclaims with worry."Oh come on!"Marie shouts. Just do it, it's fun!" Unable to say no for some reason, Doubke D finally breaks and strips to his underwear to come join her. She smiles at him as he steps in t he water slowly, making him blush."We better not get in trouble..."he trails off.
After an hour of swimming in the indoor pools and hot tubs, the forgetful maintenance man finally comes down to power off the pool area. Both teens are splashing away and laughing when they hear him shout "Hey! What are you kids doing here?! The pool is closed, why are you here?! You know what,come with me." Marie hops out the pool, dragging double D by the wrist and grab their belongings while running off. The maintenance man attempts to chase after them, but he quickly runs out of breath and gives up. Both teens continue to run until they reach some bathrooms."Hey, I'm sorry our underwear got wet, but let's dry everything under the blow dryers and get dressed. I'll meet back up here with you in ten or twenty minutes. Double D nods and they both head off to the bathrooms.
After drying and such, they both meet up outside of the bathrooms."Can we go home now?"he whines. Marie gets and evil smirk on her face."Not yet! One more stop!" Double D sighs and walks with her."Marie if we don't get home, I'm pretty sure we're going to get arrested." Marie spins around fast and places her finger on his mouth."No, just trust me." He nods and continues to follow her. They soon arrive at a fancy Italian restaurant."Let's just stop and eat dinner since we're going to get home late." Instead of being such a party-pooper, Double D just nods and they go in. They both blush because everyone else is dressed formal and they're just two casual-dressed teens who are really wet. They sit down at a table since all the booths are taken, and sit across from each other. They just stare and the menu and stay quiet until a waiter comes."What would you two like?"he asks in a French accent.'Wow, a French accent in an Italian restaurant.'Double D thinks to himself sarcastically. They both make their orders and continue to sit quietly.'I wonder how much all of this costs.'he thinks to himself. Their food arrive and they begin to laugh and chat as they eat. Marie couldn't stop smiling because of how Double D was smiling. She sighs and continues to eat.
Soon the waiter brings their bill and goes off to assist another table."So how are u gonna pay for all of this?"Double D finally asks, still smiling. An evil smile crosses Marie's face."I'm not. I don't have any money."she replies. Double D's smile quickly fades as he realizes it another one of Marie's traps."Oh no."he gasps."Oh yes!"Marie says watching the waiter start to walk over."Run!"she shouts and grabs his hand. She runs extremely fast and out the back door, causing the alarm to go off. They both run fast, a chef chasing them, until they finally lose him.
They both wheeze and gasp for air because they've been running for so long."I'm going to need a new haircut and makeup if I ever wanna go back there!"she jokes, but Double D just gives her a mean stare."What?"she asks. "What? What do you mean what?! All day you've been making us get in trouble and potentially arrested! I can't have this on my reputation, how am I supposed to go somewhere in life! And I'm tired of you lying to me and getting me to do these things with you. You're unfair, a juvenile, and just all around a trouble maker and it's not cool! Stop dragging me into your dumb situations!"he exclaims. Marie is hurt and takes a step back."That's exactly what my mom and sisters say. I'm just a juvenile delinquent that nobody wants..."he voice shakes and she begins to run off crying."Wait Marie, no!"Double D calls out. He just stands there and looks down. 'Why did I do that?! Sure she gets in trouble, but she's really nice and fun! She made me learn a lot today, and instead of being grateful, I just shouted in her face. I need to go apologize!"He begins to run and look for Marie. "Marie!"he continuously calls out until he sees her sitting on a short brick wall by a cemetery. "Marie!"he says once again, relieved. She just turns her body away from him. Awkwardly, he wraps him arms around her and gives her a hug. She shakes him off."Marie, I'm really sorry for shouting at you back there. I never said you were a juvenile delinquent who nobody wanted. I mean sure you can be a bit of a trouble maker, but that's what makes you who you are! Look, I learned a lot today from you, and instead of being grateful, I shouted in your face and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me Marie, I'm so sorry." She sits there quiet for a minute. Just as Double D is about to sighs and leave her alone, she quietly says "'s ok.." Double D smiles with joy and hugs her, picking her small body up."Whoa!"she laughs and gets put back down."You're stronger than I thought, loser."and laughs. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck and blushes."Well I guess I am... Hey, let's go home now!"he says and starts to walk."No wait!"Marie exclaims."Let's go in the cemetery, I have someone to see."Instead of questioning, Double D trusts her and they go in. They continue to walk until they see a tombstone with pink flowers."This is my grandma. She was so sweet and nice. I miss her raising me. She died from a heart attack back when I was 7. I'll forever miss her because she did a better job at raising me than my mom."Marie says. She sits on the dirt ground and twists some grass. It's so dark that both teens can't even see each other's face. "I love you grandma."she says and finally gets up."Let's go. I finally have closure until my next visit."she smiles and grabs his hand.
When they reach the front entrance, Double D exclaims for them to leave and laughs as they run towards the woods, but Marie hip starts to hurt and she falls to the ground. "Agh, my hip!"she cries in pain. Double D comes to her aid and says"It must be from the fall earlier. Let's take the bus home, I have some money." He says. Marie couldn't even reset. Her hip hurt so bad she could barely stand up. He carries her to the bus stop and she falls asleep in his arms.
Later she wakes up to find them on the bus and at their stop. Her hip feels better and she gets off the bus with Double D and thanks him as he walks her home. Finally they're at the tree at the top of the hill and the moon and fireflies illuminate them. Both teens are close and they stare at each other in silence. They're so close, both wanting to kiss the other. Just as they start to lean in, Lee's voice from Marie's mobile home shouts"Marie, there you are! Where the hell have you been, mom is angry. Get your butt in here now!" Both teens just and back up. "Well I guess I should be getting inside."she laughs."Y-yea.."Double D agrees."I'll see you whenever I can again okay?"she says. "Alright"Double D replies."Bye!" "Bye!"she calls back and runs inside her trailer home, Lee slamming the door shut. Double D walks home, takes care of his wounds, and lays in bed. His mother still didn't come home from work. He hopes that Marie is okay back at her house. "Goodnight, Marie."he whispers and falls asleep. Above his house, a bunch of stars shine, but one specific one twinkles extra bright for a second. This is quite a spring break.
Author's notes:
Okay guys I am EXTREMELY sorry for the huge delay! I'm so freaking sorry, I have an awful case of writer's block. Please forgive me! And since it's 2016, I plan of writing a lot more. I'm just trying to get this story out the way, and soon you'll see a lot more original stories from me! And that's a promise(I hope, haha) anyway thanks for being such great readers and Vote, comment, follow, and EDDXMARIE FOREVER!!! ~Brooklyndiva02

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