Yaaron Dosti

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Unfortunately Siddharth, Avneet and Ashi had to bail out of Khatron ke khiladi at the last moment due to other commitments. While Siddharth and Avneet had gotten busy in their respective movie shoots and other music videos, Ashi was also at a good point in her career.

Yes, Siddharth kept encouraging and supporting Jannat whenever he was asked about her performance in Khatron Ke Khiladi but the true fans realized that something is missing. The words, the behaviour everything lacked the friendship and regard that was once visible in their interactions. They still followed each other on social media but that was all that was left of their beautiful bond.

Mr. Faisu and Jannat's bond had grown even more than before during and after the months that followed after the Khatron Ke Khiladi season and he was practically a part of Jannat's household now. Yes he was very close to Jannat's family before as well but whenever Siddharth stalked #fainat he couldn't help but feel this pang of jealousy that Mr. Faisu had taken Siddharth's place for Jannat's mom and dad. And he hated it. He hated the fact that their families had gotten into a dispute and the fact that it had escalated so much so that they had cut ties with each other. And it wasn't even a dispute as such. It was just a misunderstanding regarding Abhishek. He felt helpless and well for his own sanity decided that he will forget about everything and just focus on his work.

When Siddharth and Abhishek opened their own fitness brand they gave out free merchandise to all their friends and family. Millions of their fans realized that Jannat was not included and that made them face the reality that yes something is wrong. Their bawla bawli were drifting apart..... Again! And no this time it wasn't related to Avneet or Mr. Faisu but something far more deep and worse had hit their favourite friendship bond that they had cherished for years. But there was nothing they could do about it. Publically they were still friends and no one had accepted or denied the rumours of a possibility of a fall out between the families.

Ashi couldn't stop wondering about her friends. She was worried. She was really worried and scared that everything and everyone was falling apart. She didn't want this. No matter how much her mom tried to set her up with Siddharth and encouraged her to be happy about his fallouts with Avneet and now Jannat, Ashi just couldn't do it. She didn't have any ulterior motives and she genuinely was a very close friend of Siddharth. It pained her to see Siddharth hiding all his miseries behind his fake smile when his eyes..... His eyes gave it all away as to how helpless and frustrated he felt. Though he was getting successful in his career and Abhishek and him had started dating Chinki Minki as well but she still felt that a little part of Siddharth.... The old  Siddharth whom she had become friends with was missing. And she couldn't bear to just sit through and see her friend becoming a whole different person...... Someone who he never was.

Mr. Faisu was really happy with the progress of his relationship with not just Jannat but her entire family. He felt that all of this was a dream and he feared it would end soon when he woke up. He never wanted to burst this bubble but he also couldn't stand to see Jannat this way. He loved her. He loved her with all his heart and so her happiness always came before for him...... Even before his own happiness and sanity. Yes Jannat's career was flourishing and she was happy but she was different. Different and more guarded. It seemed like she had locked a part of herself forever and her eyes gave away her vulnerability many times. Mr. Faisu vowed to bring back the old Jannat from wherever she had hidden that part of herself..... Even if it meant losing her and losing himself in the process.

On the other hand, while Avneet was taking small but successful steps in the Bollywood industry she still sometimes couldn't help but miss her life during Aladdin. The group the friendships the bonds everything....... Success is necessary but success and happiness are two different things. No, Avneet was not unhappy and she was definitely successful but sometimes just sometimes she couldn't help but wonder how her life would have been had she not left Aladdin and not broken up with Siddharth. It's so ironic that once she had broken Siddharth's heart unintentionally and now Siddharth had done the same to her. But she could never hate him. Hating him felt like hating a part of herself and she knew that she couldn't afford to go down that road again. She genuinely wished that she could get all her lost friendships back one day.

She had heard the rumours about the rift between Siddharth and Jannat as well as their families. Never in a billion years could she have imagined that the two families who practically lived like one big family could be torn apart one day. And the reason? Well nobody knew. To her surprise she didn't feel happy about it. Yes she loved Sidharth and she knew that the reason for their recent breakup was somewhere related to Jannat, she didn't know how or why but she shouldn't shake her strong intuition regarding this. Yet thiss news gave her pain and sadness rather than any relief.

And this probably was the reason why childhood friendships were given so much regard and kept above all other friendships. As each of them were navigating through their complicated feelings they still couldn't hold any gruswg or malice against each other even if they tried. They still couldn't keep themselves over their friends  and perhaps this is why childhood friendships are etched in people's hearts. Because friendships were supposed to heal broken hearts and not break them even more. And perhaps this is what would save them as they navigated through their respective lives and feelings..... Their true friendship towards each other.


Hello everyone! Yes I know you all would be EXTREMELY ANGRY with me and rightfully so. But I was very busy with my competitive exams and college plus I was also sad that all of them are just drifting apart so I couldn't bring myself to write about them.

Are Anushka and Jannat also not on talking terms now?

Anyways I will be completing the story in the next 3-4 parts now and I'll do it by today itself.

Sorry again and thanks to whoever's still handing in here. I am very grateful to you.

I wanted to write a ShubIsh/ IshMan ff but I knew I have to finish this one first. So I finally found the courage to do so.

I really hope all of them sort out their differences soon though and we can see their bonding once again.

Fingers crossed

But well it's all upto God.

Until next time!
Thank you!

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