The Falling Sun: Part 2

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He searched around for an entrance to the backstage area, it was hard to see with how dim the lights had become but he could make out the outline of the door.

Before he could stand up he heard singing coming from the stage, it was sort of angelic in an 'Angel of Music' sort of way, the way the voice bounced off of the walls made it hard to ignore, he looked over narrowing his eyes on the was the lead.

"Guess I will need to wait even longer." He muttered to himself, but he wasn't as annoyed as he was before, instead he found an odd sort of comfort in the male singers voice, one that reminded him of how his sister would sing to him when he was sick as a child.

His gaze shifted down to the table, he missed his sister alot now that she was living in a different district, sure she would visit every once in a while but it just never felt the same..

He let out a sad sigh but brushed it off moments later to watch the singer, noticing how he looked exactly like he did in the photo, except his hair was up in a ponytail this time.

Sebastian's champagne finally arrived (along with bitch from before) but instead of making a move she turned on her heal, lifted her chin up high and strutted over to another table like she wasn't just a maid working at a rich person's bar.


As the lights brightened up a only a small bit more and the music had ceased, the singer bowed to the crowed and left for the backstage, Sebastian made sure no one was looking and snuck away to follow the other man.

The backstage area were the 'important' staff could stay, was a surprisingly pleasant area, a lovely mocha and umber colour, the rooms were furnished, some looked like they would be fit for the 1800s whilst others the 40s, whoever owned this place had some good taste, even if they are a rich bastard.

He was so lost in thought that he almost toppled someone over by walking directly into them, before they could fall he managed to catch them by the arm and stabilise their balance, "I'm so very sorry, I was not looking at where I was going..", he was a little embarassed but his mood changed the moment he properly looked at who he had caught.

"It's quite alright dear." Just as Sebastian had expected. A well-spoken and heavenly voice matching that of their singing voice, "You may now let go of my arm." Sebastian was to busy analysing the shorter man's voice to care, it had a slight french accent, it was prideful and able to hide emotion behind itself, surprisingly enough sebastian had managed to hear the tone of purr in the others voice.

"Huh?" He looked up, "My arm dear, may you let go of it." The other responded, Sebastian realised he was squeezing the mans arm just a bit to tight, though it didn't seem to faze the other one bit infact, he seemed to enjoy it..

"Ah, sorry 'bout that, got lost in my own thoughts for a bit" he quickly retracted his hand as if he had just been forced to touch a snake, "Mm. I'm guessing you're here to question me?", Sebastian narrowed his eyes.

"How did you know I was going to ask?" The other man looked him up and down, "let us say it was a small guess, hm? Well...Shall we?" He turned around and headed off towards the door at the end of the hallway.

"I suppose we shall" Sebastian muttered to himself as thy reached the door, it was normal looking but had flower patterns carved into it.

"Welcome to my humble abode" the young man joyfully yelled as he pushed the door open allowing Sebastian in first, "it's....uhm..", he looked around for a bit, "Cluttered yet somehow very bland?" The other responded in a 'eh, I get it alot' tone of voice, Sebastian looked down at the other before answering, "I was going to say interesting..", the singer just shrugged at pounced at his bed, "a child." Sebastian thought.

After the other had managed to get ahold of a small table, chair + a bottle of some very strong wine and 2 glasses, Sebastian had written down questions and some extras just incase if the subject (somehow) manages to change, but he highly doubted that.

"Alright, let's get started." He looked over at the other who had already poured himself his first glass, and took his small nod as a 'go on' nod.

"Alright, first, name, age and date of birth." He wanted to make sure that he had everything he could get out of this man in their small meeting, "Sameul L. R., 21 and February 23rd, 1977." The answer was quick and simple, exactly how Sebastian wanted it.

"And you?" Sebastian looked up at 'Sameul' and thought for a moment before responding, "Sebastian. My name is Sebastian.", This answer seemed to satisfy the other.


After about an hour of questions Sebastian thanked Sameul for his help and made his way out of the backstage area and out of the bar, he sighed, although he had enough info about the girls, he wanted to know more, was it because of his determination? Or was it the white haired singer? He prayed it was the first one.

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