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A/N: Hi everyone! Welcome to my story, I hope you will enjoy it. I have been writing since a very young age and previously uploaded (now deleted stories/account) stories within Wattpad and Quotev. With a newfound desire to start writing novels again I am back with more ideas than I know what to do with. This book is based on the native american myth about deer people who would lure humans away and takes place in the modern world. Once again I hope you enjoy the journey!


Birds tweeted on the ground as they pecked for worms, bees buzzing next to them as they collected pollen from the daises in the field. Today was one of the rare days they had in the spring where rain wasn't falling, as they lived on an island. The grass of the field had just been cut as the highland cows waved their tails, happy to finally be out. The loud sounds of children giggling as they ran after each other was the only thing that disturbed the otherwise peaceful environment. As they sped away one of the fluffy Scottish cows huffed as she judged the miniature humans. It's calf stayed close to it, still a baby and unsure of itself.

"Sheena you're going too fast!" One of the little girls called out, the air leaving her as she desperately tried to catch her breath. The older sister stopped at the complaint, breathing heavily with a wide grin. Realising how unfair it was as she was slightly taller, she walked back slowly. Amusement cast over her features as she peered down at the youngest of the two, curly red hair just barely clouding her vision as she let out another, quieter giggle.

"Would you like to play hide and seek instead?" The eldest smiled with an optimistic look on her face. "I'll count!" She offered, assuming this game would be more equal.

With that suggestion, Sorscha suddenly had all her energy return, running off as her elder sister covered her eyes. Only then did the youngest of the two sisters realise that a field did not have that many places to hide. Then she noticed it. In the middle of their little farm in Shetland, a small location in one of the tiny Scottish Islands, was a small forest. But to her, it was huge. She knew for sure it definitely has lots of hiding spaces.

Right on the edge of the forest you could tell that it was unsettling, but to the little ginger child, it looked like a magical world. The trees towered over her as she gazed through them into the darkness. Without wasting a second the girl hurried into the forest, not hearing the calls of her seeker sister behind her. They weren't allowed to enter the forest. As Sorscha explored for places to hide the trees gradually blocked out light, becoming more uncomfortable as she travelled further. Sunshine hit the newly grown leaves, decorating everything in a cold green glow and leaving the ground damp. At first the dark, cool air of the forest amazed the young girl. Well aware that she wasn't supposed to be here, she admired the area as much as she possibly could. But then as she continued she started to grow concerned, as suddenly the darkness forced fear onto her. The chill the leaves traded for the sun gave her shivers as she suddenly wanted to go back. Too busy looking up as she wandered she tripped on a leg of a tree, yelping out as she landed in the long grass. For a moment she was disorientated as she dealt with the impact of the most, muddy ground, staining her arms and clothes. Her heart raced as anxiety coursed through her, tormenting her so much she felt like her chest might explode.

Suddenly every noise made her dread what would happen next, regret consuming her as she realised that her parents had made this a rule to avoid for this exact reason. But then she heard bubbles behind her, wide eyed she dared to look behind her. A small pond created ripples as she watched closely, trying to understand why she had heard bubbles originally. After moments the water stilled, making her frown and despite her fear, she moved to look closer. Not even a second later a huge splash caused a wave of water to drench her. The drastic change in temperature made her gasp as she struggled to regain her composure, wiping water from her tightly shut eyes. And when she gathered the courage to open them, forest green orbs met with deep sea blue ones. Her reaction grew slightly delayed, but the confusion still occurred quickly. It was a boy. How did a boy manage to sneak onto her family's farm? How did he end up being in such a shallow pond too? Her mouth opened as if wanting to ask a hundred questions, but no sound left. She was too surprised. The young male before her remained emotionless, his demeanour as cold as his eyes. He only lingered for a moment, staring on before he gave up. He rolled his eyes as he splashed in the water, moving to swim down. Finding the human girl boring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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