Dan Heng x Caelus/male Trailblazer

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Kiss Mwah UwU

Dan Heng x Caelus/M!Trailblazer or Caelus x Caelus/M!Trailblazer AU

Very short


"Dan Heng! Dan Heng! Come over here!" said a paniked girl, running over to the body.

Which was also followed by a man.

On the ship there laid an unconscious male being on the floor. Just laying there. Still. Not moving.

The black haired guy dressed in green, black, and white placed his hand on the other male's chest.

"He still seems to be breathing...March 7th, why don't you try to do CPR."

"Eh?! ME?! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO...YOU DO IT!" She said embarrassed.

"Alright", the Dan Heng said calmly. Though he also didn't really know how to do CPR but he knows the main parts about it. He was hoping his female companion was able to do it. But he digress.

Dan Heng slowly leaned down with his eyes closed and.... Kissed him....

The sound of a click can be heard.

At the same time the Trailblazer woke up from the state of unconsciousness he was in to see a nice looking male kissing him. His skin turn red so fast.

Another click.

Dan Heng opens his eyes when he heard the click and realizes what he has done to himself and quickly backed away. His face was also blushing from embarrassment and from the actual kiss.

"Ahem... Sorry about that..." Dan Heng said shakily and shy like a prey falling into the predator.

"Heh.... It's okay...."

March 7th looks at the pictures she has took. And there was the picture of them kissing. March 7th was secretly deviously laughing.




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