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10:55 am | May 24th| LA, Luxury Landing Apartments |

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10:55 am | May 24th
| LA, Luxury Landing Apartments |

"Oh my God Zani just let me get one" I whined as i reached over to grab one of his empanadas, he swiped my hand away quickly "Uh uh , i asked you what you wanted and you said the ramen " he pointed out.

I groaned "I didn't know yours would look like that" i explained , pouting at an attempt to make him feel bad.

He chuckled "You always do that thinking ima just give you whatever you want" he said , taking another bite out of the empanada he had in his hand.

I let out a sigh and began to poke around my ramen , not even feeling in the mood for it anymore.

A few seconds went by before i heard Mizani mumble something under his breath and an
empanada was placed infront of me .

A smile lit up my face as i turned to see him with a slight mug on his face while he continued to eat , I grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek "mwah!you're the best " i exclaimed , exaggerating the sound of the kiss.

He playfully shrugged me off  "yeah yeah I know , now hurry up and eat so we can watch this movie" he rushed me.

Me and Mizani had gotten closer over the past week , he's been at my house almost every single day to sleep over or just to talk and chill .

I haven't really been seeing her latley , she's been at shoots all week.

I did enjoy Mizani's company so i wasn't really stressing about not seeing my best friend as much , after all he was also my friend before anything else and we vibe so well when we're together, nothing feels forced it all just feels so natural.

I placed my rubbish in the trash before making my way over to my couch . I plopped down next to Mizani , laying my feet in his lap as i looked through disney + for a movie to watch .

"Nahhh Kam we not watching another disney movie" he fussed as he looked up from his phone at the exact moment i put on Tangled .

I rolled my eyes as he began to complain "Zani shush , It's starting " i shushed him.

He and I both knew he secretly loved disney movies , everytime i put one on he would complain for the first five minutes but after that he would be so engrossed in the show that he would even start adding commentary.

He leaned back , the hood attached to his hoodie hanging low over his head . I knew he probably smoked before he came here since his eyes were low and a light shade of red .

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